Consult the names of the pilots sponsored by a Team


Viewed 98 times


I want to consult pilots sponsored by the 'A' team'

I’m doing like this:

SELECT piloto.nome AS NomePiloto
FROM equipe
ON equipe.idequipe = piloto.idequipe
INNER JOIN patrocinador
ON patrocinador.idpat = equipe.idpat
WHERE patrocinador.nome = 'A'

But you’re not returning anything, where I’m going wrong?

The model is this: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • which error returns? o idpat, idequipe and nome are actually written like this in the bank? in the image you presented, are like ID_PAT, NOME_E and NOME_P.

  • In the links to be OK, but the problem may be in the data. Are you sure you have pilots associated with sponsored teams and teams named "A"?

1 answer


As you want the names of the pilots, best use as main table to pilotos, makes it easier to assemble the query.

SELECT pi.nome as piloto, eq.nome_e as equipe, pt.nome_p as patrocinador
FROM piloto pi
LEFT JOIN equipe eq ON eq.id_equipe = pi.id_equipe
LEFT JOIN patrocinador pt ON pt.id_pat = eq.id_pat
WHERE pt.nome_p LIKE 'A%'

I used the LIKE so it will bring everyone who starts with the letter A.

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