Decryption error in request


Viewed 32 times


I am sending the segiunte string via post (Javascript) to my server Bootle(Python):

query = {
'wiki': `Tr%E1%BA%A7n_H%C6%B0ng_%C4%90%E1%BA%A1o`,

$.post(url, query, function(data, status){}):

But when I print what I get from the post gives the following result:

b'uid=f17afd66aae3a&wiki=Tr%25E1%25BA%25A7n_H%25C6%25B0ng_%25C4%2590%25E1%25BA%25A1o' - First print

In case I do two split transforming this binary string into a dictionary through the function translate(postdata).

{'uid': 'f17afd66aae3a', 'wiki': 'Tr%25E1%25BA%25A7n_H%25C6%25B0ng_%25C4%2590%25E1%25BA%25A1o'} - Second print

And how my code will access the wikipedia article with such name:

I can’t access it because my request has the following url:

Which generates an error because there is no page.

There’s my code on the Bottle:

def update_article_post():                                       
    token = request.cookies.get('token', '0')                                   
    if load_token(token):                                                       
        postdata =
        dici = translate(postdata)                                              
       # res = update_article(dici['uid'], dici['wiki'])                        
       # return {'data': res}                                                   
         return redirect('/login.html')

Is there any way to receive the post the right way, or encode that string?

2 answers


try coding with Base64

dai on the Python server try to decode the string before playing on the wiki, use the Python b64decode

import base64
Request = 'cmVzcG9zdGEgZGVjb2RpZmljYWRhIA==' 
resposta = base64.b64decode(Request)

the sera exit

resposta decodificada 


According to the bottle documentation it is possible to access the parameters received from a POST using request.forms.get('campo').

So your question seems to be solved with the code:

wiki = request.forms.get('wiki')

If Bottle does not do the automatic Decode of the string you can use the method urlli.parse.unquote().

from urllib.parse import unquote

# Saída: Trần_Hưng_Đạo

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