Fill in second input when typing in first


Viewed 518 times


I have an html form with SOCIAL REASON and FANTASY NAME, so I wanted that when typed in the field "Social Reason" the field "Fantasy Name" was filled automatically with the same value. Thanks in advance for the help.

2 answers


You can do this with jquery using something like this:

$(document).on('keyup', '#razao-social', function() {
  • Friend thanks for the help, sorry my very little knowledge in Javascript, as I would put this in my form?


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#ID_CONTROLE_RAZAO_SOCIAL').on('keyup', function() {

Put this snippet of code in any Script tag, and preferably before the end of the Body tag, remembering to replace the controls ID’s name.

  • Guys, thanks for your help. At first it didn’t work, then I checked that my input only had the property name="" and it didn’t have the id (Javascript takes the ID) so I added the ID with the same name and it worked!! remembering to add the <script src=""></script> no head! Thanks for your help Cayo and Ives

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