Swap text using ::before - CSS


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Good afternoon friends.

I’m trying to swap a text from a page that I only have access to CSS.

I just want to trade a term.

I tried it with :before and font-size:0; (in the parent class of ::before), but then everything became invisible, including the content text of before.

Follow a little snide.

label.service::after {
  content: " de Transfer"

1 answer


Gabriel is going wrong because pseudo-element ::after is inheriting the font-size from the father who is 0, so you have to put a font-size pro ::after or else it will be 0 like the father his.

See how it feels when you fix it by putting the font-size in the son. The text of the father disappears, but the text of the son remains.

OBS: Notice I put a color text on the father, and the text of the son (::after) remains the same, so he inherits some attributes from his father, as was the case of font-size

.service {
	font-size: 0;
    color:red; /* cor de texto que o filho ::after vai herdar */
.service::after {
  content: " de Transfer";
  font-size: 16px !important;
<label for="" class="service">
  texto que some

Keep in mind that: the user may not even see the text we hide with font-size: 0, but the Google Bot will definitely read this content... It will solve so that you see with your eyes, but for the crawlers and screen readers the text will remain accessible...

  • Good morning friend! vlw the tip, but "font-size" is returning as "invalid Property value". Even "color" is invalid. What could be?

  • @Gabrielsalomão I just did the test in the CSS validator of the W3C itself and did not accuse any error: http://www.css-validator.org/#validate_by_input and in the Chrome Devtools Console nothing appears either, but if you used the Audits tab you may have given some warning, because there they evaluate the usability and accessibility and font-size:0 goes against this, so it remains the observation for you to bear in mind this issue

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