Open Access file on linux


Viewed 335 times


By connection , as I change my DSN ?

one of the cases in my connection class that opens file in access

case "fatura" :
            $strHost = "";
            $strUser = "";
            $strPass = "";
            $strBase = "";
            $strType = "";
         $strDSN  = "odbc:DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};charset=iso-8859-1; DBQ={$strArquivo}; Uid=; Pwd=;";
        //$strDSN  = "odbc:DRIVER=Driver{Easysoft ODBC-ACCESS};charset=iso-8859-1; DBQ={$strArquivo}; Uid=; Pwd=;";

I tried to change the DSN to receive the Easysoft ODBC-ACCESS driver because what I searched on linux does not open odbc files, but at first unsuccessfully, what could it be?? or what is missing

The message it displays is :

"RepositorioException: Nao foi possivel conectar ao banco de dados: SQLSTATE[01000] SQLDriverConnect: 0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)' : file not found","location":""}
  • This Easysoft ODBC-ACCESS driver no longer works ... so I researched it would have some,that I could add in Ubuntu , and put in my DSN ?

1 answer


I think the message makes it very clear that it is "file not found":

SQLSTATE[01000] Sqldriverconnect: 0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can’t open lib 'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)' : file not found

It’s probably a case-sensitive problem, on Linux and Unix-based systems (like Mac OSX), if you put something like:

 $strArquivo = 'Arquivo.mdb';

And in the briefcase he’s like this arquivo.mdb, will not work. In Windows is case-Insensitive, ie in Windows arquivo.mdb is equal to Arquivo.mdb (is not something connected to PHP is an operating system issue).

Read this: PHP on linux or windows

Another problem may simply be that it points to an invalid path.

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