Segmentation Fault with malloc()


Viewed 85 times


In one part of my program I need to create a vector full of zeros the size of the user’s interval:

scanf("%ld %ld", &n1, &n2);
int *vetor; 
vetor = malloc((n2 - n1 + 1) * sizeof(long int));
for (long int k = 0; k <= n2; k++)
    vetor[k] = 0;

But when I type in a few ranges, like 10 1000000, the program gives Segmentation fault right away, what can be?

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2 answers


Use the calloc() and be happy.

scanf("%ld %ld", &n1, &n2);
int *vetor = calloc(n2 - n1 + 1, sizeof(long int));

I put in the Github for future reference.

When accessing the vector elements do not use the operator <=, use only the <, as it starts at 0, the last element is the size - 1, as you do to count 10 number starting from 0, you stop at 9.


scanf("%ld %ld", &n1, &n2);
int *vetor;
vetor = malloc(abs(n2 - n1+1) * sizeof(long int));
for ( k = 0; k <= abs(n2-n1); k++)

I think I wanted to do it this way, we need to put the abs() because if we insert n1=100 and n2=1 would generate a negative number, which we don’t want, so we use the module.

Another way was to use the function calloc as already mentioned, but using the module.

int *vetor = calloc(abs(n2 - n1 + 1), sizeof(long int));

  • Good answer, but I think there should be more emphasis on the logic error of the OP, which put in "for" the condition "k <= N2" when it should be "k < (N2 - n1 + 1)". In C it is more idiomatic to use "<" instead of "<=" when traversing an array. (I would even create a working variable "int Nelems = N2 - n1 + 1" to make the code clearer).

  • I didn’t quite understand that, I’ve seen code to use <= or just < we should not have the flexibility to understand this?

  • 1

    the problem is that the OP used "k <= N2" when you should use "k <= (N2-n1)" as you did (discounting the improvement of abs)...the question of "<=" x "<" is that it is more common to use "<" in C, in these places

  • @zentrunix ah yes correct, nor noticed that he had used the k<=n2 isolated.

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