Time 0 with negative signal


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I have an excel spreadsheet which I changed the date system to 1904 to be able to display negative hours. The problem is that often happens to appear values -00:00 when I subtract schedules.

From what I analyzed it is because the date is 01/01/1904, but in the field I do not want to display the date, I care only the times.

I’ve tried using function IF to identify whether it is less/equal to zero and does not resolve. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • How is the formula used to calculate this? It has a [mcve]?

  • as I said, the formula is subtraction (e.g. = F4-E4)... the previous colleague (must have deleted the comment pq no longer see) suggested using the TEXT function. It was a bit of work since besides the use of this function, I also have rules (to paint the cell phone when less value) but it worked. Thank you. example of the solution: =SE(TEXT(F4-E4;"[hh]:mm") = "-00:00"; "00:00"; F4-E4)

1 answer


Solved, I adapted the function TEXT (suggested by the colleague):

=SE(TEXT(F4-E4;"[hh]:mm") = "-00:00"; "00:00"; F4-E4)

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