How to use Stylus lookup on an Object hash


Viewed 11 times


There is a way to use the function lookup to apply hash objects within a for?

I’m using it this way:

$color= {
  $success: {
    bg: #4caf50,
  $error: {
    bg: #f44336,
  $warning: {
    bg: #f0ad4e,
  $info: {
    bg: #03a9f4,

tag-type= {
  '.success': $success,
  '.error': $error,
  '.warning': $warning,
  '.info': $info

  for tags, value in tag-type
    & { tags }
      teste = lookup('$color.'+value+'.primary')
      foo: teste
      border-color: $color.$info.primary // Exemplo esperado

1 answer


I found a method using through interpolation, in case I modified for to send a value and insert into mixin type:

  if type in $color
    border-color: $color[type].primary
  else error('Not a variable defined by: $color')

Now the final Code is like this:

$color= {
  $success: {
    bg: #4caf50,
  $error: {
    bg: #f44336,
  $warning: {
    bg: #f0ad4e,
  $info: {
    bg: #03a9f4,

tag-type= {
  '.success': $success,
  '.error': $error,
  '.warning': $warning,
  '.info': $info

  for tags, value in tag-type
    &{ tags }
      baseTag(value) // com base do value inserir as variáveis $color

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