Where can I find the php.ini file on my hosting server?


Viewed 1,825 times


I created a website and hosted it in a third-party service.

It’s working very well but I don’t know where is the php.ini configuration file to configure some things.

Does anyone know how to locate this file?

  • Probably there is not, in this case, try to create one, putting the directives you want and see if it has any effect.

  • 1

    I edited your question to try to make it generic, because the solution given below serves any normal hosting scenario, regardless of vendor.

1 answer


Create a info.php in public_html and put this on him:


Must return:

phpinfo no navegador

  • Loaded Configuration File php.ini main

  • Scan this dir for additional .ini additional scans of specific directories, varying according to the system

  • Additional .ini files parsed .ini further

Note that this varies from server to server, it is also important to know that even if you get the path from php.ini you have servers that have do not allow him manipulate the php.ini, generally you can only modify in 3 situations:

  • Via SSH (if the server allows)

  • Via .htaccess with php_module (if the accommodation provides)

  • Via Cpanel (or equivalent)

  • Requested for technical support via chat, email or hosting phone

  • 1

    Check the question Edit, I took your effort for a wider scenario.

  • @Bacco I am very grateful! I didn’t even think about it! Congratulations and thanks again :D

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