I can’t get average


Viewed 51 times


I’m unable to sum up the qtd_itens_purchase with Count cod_person. The query runs normal, frequencybuys the displayed result is the same as the amount of items that comes from "qtd_itens_purchase". In short, I would like to add all the items and divide by the amount of people, taking the cod_person.

select top 10 cod_pessoa as CodPessoa,
            dat_compra as DataCompra,   
            vlr_compra as ValorCompra,
            cod_transacao as CodigoTransacao,       

            sum(qtd_itens_compra)/count(cod_pessoa)as FrequenciaCompra 

 from tab_transacao
 where dat_compra between '2017-08-01' and '2018-08-01'
 group by cod_pessoa,
  • I didn’t quite understand, but the sumand the count will accompany the grouping, ie for the combination codpessoa,datacompra,valor,compra,codtransacao. If you need "general" calculation it will not work in a single query

  • @Ricardopunctual is right, both functions accompany the GROUP BY, soon his query will not work as you want. Why TOP 10?

  • Top 10 was just for testing, I needed to get a result of the sum of all my items, with the total amount of people I have.

  • So the solution I presented below should work correctly. It does not return the value you wanted?

3 answers


There is a specific function for SQL averages, AVG:

SELECT      cod_pessoa              AS CodPessoa
        ,   dat_compra              AS DataCompra
        ,   vlr_compra              AS ValorCompra
        ,   cod_transacao           AS CodigoTransacao
        ,   AVG(qtd_itens_compra)   AS FrequenciaCompra 
FROM        tab_transacao
WHERE       dat_compra BETWEEN '2017-08-01' AND '2018-08-01'
GROUP BY    cod_pessoa
        ,   dat_compra
        ,   vlr_compra
        ,   cod_transacao
  • I needed to add up the amount of items and divide by the amount of person.

  • João, if you read the question I think he doesn’t want the average of "qtd_itens_purchase" directly, I think q needs a partial sum for after the avg, That’s what I understood

  • I put it that way because he asked the question SUM(qtd_itens_compra).


In his query you are grouping by purchase amount, which turns out to be wrong, since from what I understand you want the purchase frequency per day. Adjusting your query would look like this:

SELECT cod_pessoa AS CodPessoa,
      dat_compra AS DataCompra,
      cod_transacao AS CodigoTransacao,
      SUM(qtd_itens_compra) / COUNT(cod_pessoa) AS FrequenciaCompra
  FROM tab_transacao
WHERE dat_compra BETWEEN '2017-08-01' AND '2018-08-01'
GROUP BY dat_compra,


If you want the total sum, divided by count partial (grouped), you can use a subquery (see if performace looks good):

select top 10 cod_pessoa as CodPessoa,
            dat_compra as DataCompra,   
            vlr_compra as ValorCompra,
            cod_transacao as CodigoTransacao,       
            (select sum(qtd_itens_compra) from tab_transacao)/count(cod_pessoa)as FrequenciaCompra 
 from tab_transacao
 where dat_compra between '2017-08-01' and '2018-08-01'
 group by cod_pessoa,
  • It really worked, but the result seems different from what I need. the Frequenciapurchase column generated the following result: Frequencypurchase: 485025.000000 485025.000000 485025.000000 485025.000000 485025.000000 485025.000000 485025.000000 485025.000000 485025.000000 485025.000000 It seems wrong, no? Because in qtd_itens_purchase, there are various values.

  • This depends on Count, put before the calculation of the frequency Count to see the value: count(cod_pessoa) contagem, if the value is the same for each grouping, the calculation of the frequency will be right, and the problem may be in the grouping

  • I did the inversion, the result was different from the other: (select Count(qtd_itens_purchase) from tab_transaction)/sum(vlr_purchase)as Frequenciapurchase

  • ah wasn’t an inversion I guess q didn’t explain it well.. rs was just to add this in the query, just to see qto was counting

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