How to style links and images that are referenced in HTTP and not in HTTPS?


Viewed 71 times


I have several pages with several images and several links. However I am migrating from the protocol HTTP to the HTTPS. I would like all images and links that are indexed or linked via HTTP to appear with a red border or text in red.

For example, if the link is http the color turns red, if the image is http puts a red border:

<a href="">link http</a>     <!-- vermelho -->
<a href="">link https</a>   <!-- cor normal -->

<img src="" >   <!-- borda vermelha -->
<img src="">   <!-- sem borda -->

How I could do this styling of CSS in these elements if they are referenced via HTTP?

2 answers


The selector src*="http://" is incorrect for this, because the *= indicates that it will fetch in any place of attribute, the correct selector to use would be ^=, CSS2.1/2.2 selectors for attributes are as follows::

  • [data-foo^="bar"] starts with the defined value
  • [data-foo$="bar"] ends with the defined value
  • [data-foo*="bar"] contains the value (independent of being beginning, middle and end)
  • [data-foo~="bar"] makes the behavior similar to the class selector, ie the "bar" is the value that will be evaluated between spaces, example:

    <div data-foo="foo bar baz"></div> <!-- será pego pelo seletor -->
    <div data-foo="foo bar bar"></div> <!-- será pego pelo seletor -->
    <div data-foo="bar foo baz"></div> <!-- será pego pelo seletor -->
    <div data-foo="a b c"></div> <!-- NÃO será pego pelo seletor -->
    <div data-foo="a bar c"></div> <!-- será pego pelo seletor -->
  • [data-foo|="bar"] this selector is used usually to pick up who represent languages, as it will seek elements such as:

    <div data-foo="bar"></div>
    <div data-foo="bar-baz"></div>

    I mean, it must be exactly "bar" or should begin with bar-, a use with elements indicated in Portuguese (and variants):

So as I said at the beginning, to get attributes that start with http:// the correct would be to use ^= thus:

a[href^="http://"] {
     color: red;

img[src^="http://"] {
     border: 1px solid red;
<a href="">link http</a> <br>
<a href="">link https</a> <hr>

<img src="" alt="imagem com http"> <br>
<img src="" alt="imagem com https">

Now imagine that your image has a dynamic URL like this:

<img src="">

If you use CSS like this:

img[src*="https://"] {
     border: 1px solid red;

It will apply to that image, when you shouldn’t have


  • 1

    Thanks master []’s


  • I appreciate the young help, but I opted for the other answer alright. Abs

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