My question was not clear, I edited the title, it seemed only about UTF-8, but it is not, it is a connection and query conversion to PDO with UTF-8
$connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "simrede");
header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Cadastro_Alunos-Simrede.csv');
$output = fopen("php://output", "w");
fputcsv($output, array('lastname', 'firstname', 'department', 'institution', 'username', 'email', 'city', 'course1', 'password'));
$query = "SELECT * from cs_alunos ORDER BY institution";
$result = mysqli_query($connect, $query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
fputcsv($output, $row);
In addition to the connection, enter the rest of the code.
. I think that’s what he wants too.– Andrei Coelho
@William the PDO connection I know how it is, what I want to know is how is the remaining code, because it is not enough to just change the connection.
– Miguel Silva
@Miguelsilva then I’m not quite sure what you’re planning to do with this code, but there’s the rest of it edited into the answer. ( PS: If you want to convert these records into an excel spreadsheet I suggest using some lib like the Phpspreadsheet.)
– William
@William this code exports a DB table in CSV format, did not understand what to put in
– Miguel Silva
The Code is working fine, I would just like to upgrade to an updated version of the connection and consequently the rest of the code
– Miguel Silva