How to get information in a text?


Viewed 96 times


would like to search and extract a string that is between tags. Using Javascript only with Node.

Example: Extract information inside any tag and save in some variable.

I don’t know how to implement a code for this. I don’t know if I could be clear.

Example 2 is what I’m trying to do. Search and save the names of the teachers that are on this page. I realized that all are among the header2 tags...

    const url = ''
const axios = require('axios')

axios.get(url).then(response =>{
    const funcionarios =
    console.log(funcionarios) //Somente para verificar as informações da página foram extraidas.
    //Eu gostaria de salvar o nome de todos os professores, e percebi que todos estão entre a tag <h2>...
    const tag = funcionarios.querySelector("h2")
    const conteudoDeTextoDaTag = tag.textContent
  • Hi Daniel, search on function substring and on regular Expressions that can help you. Also, post in question your code, what you have already done

  • Give a practical example of this to facilitate understanding. The way you described the question is vague

  • I’ll make it better.

  • Yes, try to improve and give examples. If it is HTML you can use a parser. If it is XML is already another kind of library.

  • I played an amendment there, I hope it became clearer...

  • In that case the const funcionarios is an array of H2? if it is, you can iterate over it to pick up each element.

  • No, in this case, this constant receives all the html code of the page.

  • I edited my answer down there. See if it helps you out.

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3 answers



Consider using a parser HTML like the Cheerio. For your example would look like:

const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const $ = cheerio.load(;


With it you can use selectors CSS to extract relevant information from HTML in question.

  • Your example helped me adapt to what I needed.


Many thanks to all for the time offered to this doubt and for the knowledge passed to me. Grateful and the question was resolved by Sorack’s reply.

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