In that case you could use in the WHERE to:
1. Compare current month - 1 to date month
2. Compare the current year with the year of the date
This is easy using the function EXTRACT
The problem is in the case of month 1, which if subtracted would give 0 and the year should be subtracted as well. For this case, a simple logic using CASE WHEN
where (case when EXTRACT(month from sysdate) = 1
then 12
else EXTRACT(month from sysdate)-1 end) = EXTRACT(month from cliente.dtultcomp)
and (case when EXTRACT(month from sysdate) = 1
then EXTRACT(year from sysdate)-1
else EXTRACT(year from sysdate) end) = EXTRACT(year from cliente.dtultcomp)
With that, you’ll figure it out: "return the values of the whole previous month"
An example in SQL fiddle:! 4/db477/1