Create a bottom bar with Tabs


Viewed 271 times


Is there any jQuery plugin that creates an options bar like the one in the project PHP Debug Bar? Does anyone have any suggestions for implementation?

The "Messages | Request | Timeline" is a thin and fixed bar in the footer of the site and when clicking "Messages" shows the content "hello world" etc.


  • A lot interesting this Debug Bar! . . . But why do you want in jQuery?

  • I saw this Debug Bar in Zend Framework 2 and would like to implement a menu in this style for a project. I didn’t want to recreate this app just using the idea of this menu, you know? I have a bit of difficulty in Jquery and wanted suggestions on how to create something similar.

2 answers



Checking the source code it is possible to see how some page implements the design and functionality.

In the case of the PHP Debug Bar website, it is a matter of pinning a menu to the footer and showing elements below the menu when an item is selected. I couldn’t find the scripts on the site, but a basic jQuery will take care of showing/hiding the elements.

The structure of HTML is:

<div class="phpdebugbar">
    <div class="phpdebugbar-header">        
        <a href="javascript:" class="phpdebugbar-tab" data-tab="messages">Messages</a>
        <!-- OUTROS MENUS -->

    <div class="phpdebugbar-body">
        <div class="phpdebugbar-panel active" id="tab-messages">
            <!-- CONTEÚDO A SER MOSTRADO -->
            <button class="phpdebugbar-close-btn">fechar</button>
        <!-- OUTRAS TABS -->


.phpdebugbar {
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;

.phpdebugbar-header {
  min-height: 26px;

.phpdebugbar-header:after {
  clear: both;

.phpdebugbar-body {
  display: none;
  position: relative;
  height: 300px;

.phpdebugbar-panel {
  display: none;
  height: 100%;
  overflow: auto;
  width: 100%;
} {
  display: block;

And the jQuery:

$('.phpdebugbar-tab').click( function() {
    // Esconder painel ativo
    // Marcar novo painel como ativo
    var tab = $(this).data('tab');
    // Mostra o body se não estiver visivel
    if( $('.phpdebugbar-body').is(":hidden") ) {

$('.phpdebugbar-close-btn').click( function() {

This is the fiddle of the code above. E this is using the HTML and CSS of the site (loading the Font Awesome via CDN), I made only a few modifications to the original code and still needs a good cleaning.

  • Man, really good. That’s exactly what I’ve been wanting.

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