I’m trying to retrieve a column and make a sum - using the SUM
- according to the time zone, but without success. You can help me with this issue?
Detail: I’m not using exactly a table, but perform the call of a function of the SQL. The application works well with this function.
Function performed:
Follows excerpt from the controller
public function abertura( Request $request, $carteira, $dia, $servico, $segmento )
$servico = $servico == 'NULL' ? null : $servico;
$segmento = $segmento == 'NULL' ? null : $segmento;
$data = Date::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d', $dia, tz() );
$servicos = Receptivo::makeSegmento( $data->format( 'Ymd' ), $carteira )
$segmentos = Receptivo::makeSegmentoServico( ucfirst( strtolower( $carteira ) ) )
->selectRaw( 'distinct segmento' )->get();
$datas = collect( range( 0, 90 ) )->map( function ( $incremento ) {
return now_tz()->copy()->subDays( $incremento );
} );
$receb = Receptivo::makeAbertura( $data->format( 'Ymd' ), $carteira, $servico, $segmento )
->orderBy( 'Faixa_Horario' )->get();
$Query = Receptivo::where('Faixa_Horario', 'Faixa_Horario')->sum('Atendimento_Cliente_com_Negocio');
return view( 'reports.hora-a-hora.receptivo.abertura.index',
compact( 'carteira', 'receb', 'datas', 'data', 'servico', 'servicos', 'segmento', 'segmentos', 'Query' ) );
Excerpt from the model:
public static function makeAbertura( $date, $carteira, $servico = null, $segmento = null )
/** @var static $instance */
$instance = new static;
$servico = $servico == null ? 'NULL' : "'" . $servico . "'";
$segmento = $segmento == null ? 'NULL' : "'" . $segmento . "'";
$table = sprintf( 'FN_HORA_HORA_RECEPTIVO_SANTANDER_%s_ABERTURA(\'%s\', %s, %s)',
return $instance->setTable( $table );
Marcelo thanks for the return. add Faixa_horario pq hora tem q ser igual a hora, correto? Outra dúvidas na modelo tenho varia foções,?
– Ronaldo Adriano
'time has to be equal to time' I did not quite understand what I meant by that, my doubt was why 'Faixa_horario' does not refer to numerical value number that is the type of column. To call only the makeAbertura function it must be Static model exactly as you put and called so, passing your parameters: Receptive::makeAbertura($date, $wallet);
– Marcelo Zapatta