I have an entity class called Doctor, in which it has an Idmedic column. It relates to the class entity Care, which in turn has an Idmedico column, which would be a foreign key of this first.
There is also in this table, Attendance, another column called Idmedicoindica, which is also a foreign key of the Idmedico column of the entity Medico. That is, in the table Doctor has only one column with ID of the doctors and in the care I need to have the id of the doctor who performs and what indicates.
When I try to relate the same way I did with Idmedico, but changing the name of the column, I return an error saying that it was not possible to find the Idmedicoindica column in the Medical entity. How can I proceed and what is the best practice in this case?
Follows the code:
@Table(name = "Sis_Medico")
@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "IDMedico", referencedColumnName = "IDPessoa")
public class Sis_Medico extends Sis_Pessoa {
@Column(name = "IDMedico", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Long IDMedico;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "medico", fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Sis_Atendimento> atendimentos = new ArrayList<>();
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "medicoIndica", fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Sis_Atendimento> atendimentosIndica = new ArrayList<>();
@Table(name = "Sis_Atendimento")
public class Sis_Atendimento {
@Column(name = "IDAtendimento")
private Long idAtendimento;
@JoinColumn(name = "IDMedico",
referencedColumnName = "IDMedico",
foreignKey = @ForeignKey(name = "SisMedico_SisAtendimento"))
private Sis_Medico medico;
@JoinColumn(name = "IDMedicoIndica",
referencedColumnName = "IDMedico",
foreignKey = @ForeignKey(name = "SisMedico_SisAtendimento"))
private Sis_Medico medicoIndica;
The code does so until deploye runs, but the problem is that when I try to call the Help column Index in a @Query it gives error.
@Query("select Atendimento.idAtendimento, Atendimento.dataAtendimento, \n"
+ "paciente.IDPaciente, medico.IDMedico, Atendimento.IDMedicoIndica, Atendimento.desativado \n"
+ "from Sis_Atendimento Atendimento")
You can post your codes (annotations )?
– lpFranz
I can, come on:
– Caio Santos