How to know if a Nsarray is empty (or void) using IF


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I need to know if a Nsarray is empty or void using an if.


NSArray* array;

 if( array == nil)
   // Fazer algo

2 answers


As in objective-c a message to nil returns nil, you can use the code below:

NSArray *array = [obtem o valor];
if ([array count]) {
    // Nao é vazio nem nulo

If the array is nil, then the result of [array count] will also be nil (what is considered "false" in the if). If it is not nil, then the method count returns the number of elements. If it is zero, if will not enter either, since zero is also considered false.

  • I found another solution... using NULL instead of nil!

  • Thanks @carlosfigueira, your answer is very good!!

  • To clarify better why use the ([array count]) in place of NULL has a very cool article at this Nshipster link

  • Great link!! Thank you! @iTsangar


Well, it was quicker than I thought.

I used NULL instead of Nil, staying this way:

NSArray* array;

 if( array == NULL)
   // Fazer algo

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