I’m having trouble reading a service variable on other controllers


Viewed 61 times


I have the following problem:

I have a service where I create a variable that I will manipulate and send to another controller.

This is my service

app.service("maissaude", [
   function($rootScope) {
    $rootScope.nomeMinimo = ""; //Variável que vou manipular e ler em outro controller

In this same service I have a method that saves a minimum record in the api and returns the saved user:

minimumRegistration: function(form, doctor) {
        url: "url que vai na api salvar o dado",
        data: maissaude.signup.modelMinimum,
        callback: {
          success: function(data) {
            var nomeMinimo = data.name;
            $rootScope.nomeMinimo = nomeMinimo;//Atualizo meu nomeMinimo da mesma forma que fiz lá no início do método
            $window.location = "/login/#/cadastro/" + data.id;

In another controller I read this $rootScope.nomeMinimo But it doesn’t come with the data that was assigned to it after saving the user, It comes empty the way I declared it up there;

app.controller("CadastroController", [
  function($scope, $rootScope, maissaude) {
    console.log("Variável global!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");

Someone can tell me what I have to do to be able to read this console, the data I manipulated in the other service. Please!!

  • 1

    Girl, but if you set a service to do this, it should not return an object, rather than a $rootScope?

  • Detail.... This one http.post is an angular lib or is using some other Javascript framework? Make a test by leaving a $watch registered at $rootScope with the value nomeMinimo. Type $rootScope.$watch('nomeMinimo', (v) => console.log(v))

  • Wallace I will return an object, but I need to pass the Minimum data to the customer to finish their registration on another page. I just need to keep the models' names.

  • Ah and I’m using Angularjs

  • 1

    Gabriela, but if you put the value directly on maisservico doesn’t work? Usually I do this at the angle and work smoothly. Example: maisservico.nomeMinimo = data.name

  • If you can access it, you can log in to chat to better explain the problem. I think it would be nice to put the full source of maisservico (of course, if it doesn’t display some sensitive information)

  • 1

    I asked you about the method you use to requisition $http because if it is an external library (read "that is not adapted to the angular")talvez seja necessário executar um$Scope. $apply()depois do$window.Location`

  • Oh got it, I’m trying to use only the most saude.nameMinimo, I even have an isLogin, however it is in the same controller, already this minimum name I want to move from a service to a controller

  • 1
  • 1

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Use the $rootScope to store a global variable is not a good practice because its variable will be available everywhere in the application without due treatment. You started with the right idea of using a service for this. I’ll leave a simple example of how to share variables using two (or more) controllers.

  .module('minhaApp', []);

// Service para compartilhamento dos dados
  .factory('principalService', principalService);

principalService.$inject = [];

function principalService() {
  var service = {
    informacoes: {
      nomeMinimo: ''

  return service;

// Controller Primário
  .controller('ControllerPrimario', ControllerPrimario);

ControllerPrimario.$inject = ['principalService'];

function ControllerPrimario(principalService) {
  var vm = this;
  vm.informacoes = principalService.informacoes;

// Controller Secundário
  .controller('ControllerSecundario', ControllerSecundario);

ControllerSecundario.$inject = ['principalService'];

function ControllerSecundario(principalService) {
  var vm = this;
  vm.informacoes = principalService.informacoes;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app="minhaApp" style="display:inline-flex">
  <div ng-controller="ControllerPrimario as vm" style="border:solid black">
    <input type="text" ng-model="vm.informacoes.nomeMinimo" />
  <div ng-controller="ControllerSecundario as vm" style="border:solid black">
    <input type="text" ng-model="vm.informacoes.nomeMinimo" />

You can notice in the example above that I just created an object informacoes with an attribute nomeMinimo in the service. Within the controllers performed the assignment of this attribute to a variable that can be manipulated into within both controllers mirroring this behavior for all contexts.

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