Help in joining these two Mysql queries


Viewed 79 times


I found the option UNION ALL but the results are shown one below of the other, I would like you to create a column for each discipline

I have these two queries and I would like to put them together, the difference between them is that one has a column called MediaMT and the other MediaPT, there is also a difference between the two in a Where line, where in one is SUBSTR(,8) = "MATEMATICA" and the other is SUBSTR(,8) = "PORTUGUES" I would like in the result that these two columns were shown one side by the other, it would be:

Mediapt | Mediamt | Mediageral ...

Follow the darlings:

Query for Mediapt

select avg(IFNULL(fraction, 0))*10 as MediaPT, gg.finalgrade as NotaGeral,        u.firstname as Aluno, u.username as Usuario, u.lastname as siem, qas.userid, u.department as Turma, u.institution as Escola, as cat

FROM mdl_question_attempt_steps qas

inner join mdl_user u on
INNER JOIN mdl_question_attempts qa ON
INNER JOIN mdl_question q On
inner join mdl_grade_grades gg on
INNER JOIN mdl_grade_items gi ON gi.`id` = gg.`itemid`
INNER JOIN mdl_quiz_slots qs ON qs.questionid=qa.questionid
Inner Join mdl_quiz quiz ON
inner join mdl_question_categories qc ON

where substring(u.department,2,1) = 4

 and substr(gi.itemname,1)= 4
 and substr(gi.itemname,-1)= 1

 and substr(quiz.ano,1,4)=2018
 and u.lastname=213

 and substr(,1)= 4
 and substr(,-1)= 1

 AND itemtype = "mod"
 AND itemmodule = "quiz"
 AND finalgrade != "NULL"

 and qas.state!="todo"
 and qas.state!="complete"
 and aggregationstatus = "used"

 and SUBSTR(,8) = "PORTUGUES" 

and qs.slot=qa.slot

group by turma,

ORDER BY turma ASC, `Aluno` ASC

Query for Mediamt

select avg(IFNULL(fraction, 0))*10 as MediaMT, gg.finalgrade as NotaGeral,        u.firstname as Aluno, u.username as Usuario, u.lastname as siem, qas.userid, u.department as Turma, u.institution as Escola, as cat

FROM mdl_question_attempt_steps qas

inner join mdl_user u on
INNER JOIN mdl_question_attempts qa ON
INNER JOIN mdl_question q On
inner join mdl_grade_grades gg on
INNER JOIN mdl_grade_items gi ON gi.`id` = gg.`itemid`
INNER JOIN mdl_quiz_slots qs ON qs.questionid=qa.questionid
Inner Join mdl_quiz quiz ON
inner join mdl_question_categories qc ON

where substring(u.department,2,1) = 4

 and substr(gi.itemname,1)= 4
 and substr(gi.itemname,-1)= 1

 and substr(quiz.ano,1,4)=2018
 and u.lastname=213

 and substr(,1)= 4
 and substr(,-1)= 1

 AND itemtype = "mod"
 AND itemmodule = "quiz"
 AND finalgrade != "NULL"

 and qas.state!="todo"
 and qas.state!="complete"
 and aggregationstatus = "used"


and qs.slot=qa.slot

group by turma,

ORDER BY turma ASC, `Aluno` ASC

I found the option UNION ALL but the results are shown below each other, I would like you to create a column for each discipline

  • In which of these tables is the column fraction?

  • @Victorstafusa, that’s right, the column fraction is in qas

  • I’ll test your answer, but I really appreciate the work you’ve done

1 answer


First, I think the and qs.slot=qa.slot should be moved into the JOIN correspondent.

I’m gonna kick that speaker itemtype, itemmodule, finalgrade and aggregationstatus are on the tables gg and gi. If I miss these kicks, let me know.

This is the graph of tables you have:

         qc --- q
quiz --- qs --- qa --- qas --- u --- gg --- gi

In that graph, the qc is in the first query PORTUGUES and in the second is MATEMATICA. Each result before the GROUP BY, brings exactly one tuple from each of these tables.

What happens is that you will need to bring two tuples of some tables to do the Join, one Portuguese and one math (before the GROUP BY). That way, you’ll have a graph like this:

          pqc --- pq
pquiz --- pqs --- pqa --- pqas
                          u --- gg --- gi
mquiz --- mqs --- mqa --- mqas
          mqc --- mq

Where the tables starting with p are the questions in Portuguese and starting with m are of the math questions. Again, a tuple of each table of the above graph is chosen before being made the GROUP BY. There are cases where the same physical table appears in two different places in the graph as if it were two different tables.

The query looks like this:

-- Campos a selecionar.
    AVG(IFNULL(pqas.fraction, 0)) * 10 AS MediaPT,
    AVG(IFNULL(mqas.fraction, 0)) * 10 AS MediaMT,
    gg.finalgrade AS NotaGeral,
    u.firstname AS Aluno,
    u.username AS Usuario,
    u.lastname AS siem,
--, -- removido
    u.department AS Turma,
    u.institution AS Escola, AS catp, AS catm

-- Tabelas que independem da disciplina.
FROM mdl_user u
INNER JOIN mdl_grade_grades gg ON gg.userid =
INNER JOIN mdl_grade_items gi ON gi.`id` = gg.`itemid`

-- Tabelas para relacionar as tuplas de português.
INNER JOIN mdl_question_attempt_steps pqas ON = pqas.userid
INNER JOIN mdl_question_attempts pqa ON = pqas.questionattemptid
INNER JOIN mdl_question pq ON = pqa.questionid
INNER JOIN mdl_quiz_slots pqs ON pqs.questionid = pqa.questionid AND pqs.slot = pqa.slot
INNER JOIN mdl_quiz pquiz ON = pqs.quizid
INNER JOIN mdl_question_categories pqc ON = pq.category

-- Tabelas para relacionar as tuplas de matemática.
INNER JOIN mdl_question_attempt_steps mqas ON = mqas.userid
INNER JOIN mdl_question_attempts mqa ON = mqas.questionattemptid
INNER JOIN mdl_question mq ON = mqa.questionid
INNER JOIN mdl_quiz_slots mqs ON mqs.questionid = mqa.questionid AND mqs.slot = mqa.slot
INNER JOIN mdl_quiz mquiz ON = mqs.quizid
INNER JOIN mdl_question_categories mqc ON = mq.category

-- Parte do WHERE que não depende de disciplina.
WHERE substring(u.department, 2, 1) = 4
AND substr(gi.itemname, 1) = 4
AND substr(gi.itemname, -1) = 1
AND itemtype = "mod"
AND itemmodule = "quiz"
AND gg.finalgrade != "NULL"
AND aggregationstatus = "used"
AND u.lastname = 213

-- Parte do WHERE para filtrar apenas português nas tabelas p.
AND SUBSTR(pquiz.ano, 1, 4) = 2018
AND SUBSTR(, 1) = 4
AND SUBSTR(, -1) = 1
AND pqas.state != "todo"
AND pqas.state != "complete"

-- Parte do WHERE para filtrar apenas matemática nas tabelas m.
AND SUBSTR(mquiz.ano, 1, 4) = 2018
AND SUBSTR(, 1) = 4
AND SUBSTR(, -1) = 1
AND mqas.state != "todo"
AND mqas.state != "complete"

-- Final da query.
GROUP BY turma,
ORDER BY turma ASC, `Aluno` ASC

This approach is not very scalable in case you want results with 30 different disciplines. In this case, I suggest you show how is the modeling of the tables involved to get a deeper answer. Also, some things you put in the clauses WHERE (in particular SUBSTR) strongly suggests that your database needs some sort of restructuring if this is possible.

  • 1

    MUUUIIITTTOOO thanks Victor, I just needed to remove the u.userid from the field list, it was reported unknown and tbm did not need this field, and I had to edit in the on clause of qa for pqa in português and qa for mqa of matemática

  • 1

    @Miguelsilva Esse qa for pqa and mqa was a silly typo. In the case of u.userid, was supposed to be, but since you don’t need this column, better.

  • I have a small problem, if I have only Portuguese notes and no data is returned to me, how can I show data if I have only one discipline notes? that is to say I may sometimes have grades from both disciplines but sometimes I have only one discipline.

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