Maps in . NET CORE, Fluent API - property . Hasforeignkey with error


Viewed 44 times


Good afternoon!

I’m starting to develop a system in. net, kind of in Brazil, so I’m learning as I build, but some mistakes are not yet clear for me

I have the following code: //boat class

    public string Nome { get; private set; }

    public bool Ativo { get; private set; }

    public string SapId { get; private set; }

    public string Resumo { get; private set; }

    public DateTime DataCadastro { get; private set; }

    public Nullable<int> CapacidadeAgua { get; private set; }

    public Nullable<int> CapacidadeOleo { get; private set; }

    public Nullable<int> Velocidade { get; private set; }

    //Chave estrangeira
    public Guid CategoriaBarcoID { get; private set; }
     //Chave estrangeira
    public Guid TipoOperacaoID { get; private set; }

    //Entity Framework propriedades de Navegação
    public virtual CategoriaBarco CategoriaBarco { get; private set; }

    public virtual TipoOperacao TipoOperacao { get; private set; }


public class CategoriaBarco : Entity<CategoriaBarco>

    public CategoriaBarco(Guid id, Guid BarcoId, string nome, bool ativo)
        Id = id;
        Nome = nome;
        Ativo = ativo;

    //Construtor para o Entityframework
    protected CategoriaBarco()


    public string Nome { get; private set; }

    public bool Ativo { get; private set; }

    //Chave estrangeira
    public Guid BarcoId { get; set; }

    //Entity Framework Propeidades de Navegação
    public virtual ICollection<Barco> Barcos { get; private set; }

//mapeamento entre a classe Barco e CategoriaBarco
           .HasOne(b => b.CategoriaBarco)
           .WithMany(c => c.Barcos)
           .HasForeignKey(b => b.CategoriaBarcoID)

            .HasOne(b => b.TipoOperacao)
            .WithMany(b => b.barcos)
            .HasForeignKey(b => b.TipoOperacaoID)

       //Mapeamento entre CategoriabBarco e Barcos
      //Código com Erro
           .HasMany(c => c.Barcos)
           .WithOne(b => b.CategoriaBarco)
           .HasForeignKey (b => b.BarcoID )

For some reason I can not do this relationship of Categoriabarco with Barco. By the little q understood when I do the . Hasforeignkey (b => b.Barcoid ) it should not find the foreign key of the Boat class that is in the Class category?

How could you make this relationship where, a category has many boats, but a boat only has one category?

1 answer


The problem is in your Categoriabarco class, as it is a 1:N ratio, your class does not need to have the Barcoid property, because if it does, it means that you are saying that Categoria has only one boat (1:1).

Remove the Barcoid property from the Class Categoriabarco and in your class configuration remove that part:

//Mapeamento entre CategoriabBarco e Barcos
//Código com Erro
    .HasMany(c => c.Barcos)
    .WithOne(b => b.CategoriaBarco)
    .HasForeignKey (b => b.BarcoID )
  • But then, in the Categoriabarco class I have this property: public virtual Icollection<Barco> Boats { get; private set; }, which would be the collection of boats that a category could have. This Barcoid would be the foreign key of the class boat, it is only a property of the Type Guid

  • But it’s wrong dude, every boat has the id, in a 1:N relationship the FK stays in the daughter entity (boat). Do you realize that if you have a list of boats, it doesn’t make sense that you only have the ID of 1?

  • I understood, how I already mapped 1:N Hasone(b => b.Categoriabarco) . Withmany(c => c.Boats) . Hasforeignkey(b => b.Categoriabarcoid) is already understood that the Categoriabarco already has many Boats and the foreign key that is in the Boat class, will make identification.

  • Exactly, in Entity you only need to configure one of the entities when it comes to relationships, of course there are exceptions, but in common cases this is the step. : ) If the answer has helped, mark the answer as accepted, so that others can benefit from the answer

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