How to create a class instantiation using variables from a function return in Python 3?


Viewed 31 times


Hello, I wish I could instantiate the class Sala below using as arguments the return of the function choose_sala(): The ideal would be to call the class initialization when the function returns Sala, but I haven’t been successful so far.

Follow the simplified example:

Python 3

class Sala:
    def __init__(self, ano, turma):
        self.ano = ano
        self.turma = turma

        print(" Sala Escolhida foi... ")

    def say_hello:

r1 = [] # desnecessário!

def choose_sala():
    r1 = ['8A']
    r1 = "".join(r1)

    print(r1[0], " ", r1[1]) #para poder usar casa letra separadamente, não deu certo usando a lista normal.
    return r1

I wish I could use:

a = Sala(choose_sala())
a.say_hello() # teste da classe

1 answer


What you want to do is:

a = Sala(*choose_sala())

The * causes each returned element to be passed separately as a separate parameter for the class Sala.

See more about this in the official basic tutorial here.

  • Okay, thanks, it worked great, I knew it was something simple but not as simple as a *. Basic tutorial, here we go!

  • @Georgebueno Now that it’s worked out, can I mark my answer as accepted, to close the question? Just click on the green Checkmark next to the answer.

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