Codeigniter - Query in DB


Viewed 674 times


Good night!

I need to return the value of a table in codeigniter but it is acknowledging the error below:

PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined variable: name

Filename: paineladmin/categories.php

Line Number: 7

But my role in the model is correct, below:

public function get_bynome($nome=NULL){
    if($nome != NULL):
        $this->db->where('nome', $nome);
        return $this->db->get('categorias');
        return FALSE;

And the call on the view is like this:

echo '<div class="small-12 columns">';
    echo breadcrumb();
    $query = $this->categorias->get_bynome($nome)->row();
    echo form_open('categorias/cadastrar', array('class'=>'custom'));
    echo form_fieldset('Cadastrar nova categoria');
    echo form_label('Nome');
    echo '<div class="row">';
    echo '<div class="small-5 columns">';
    echo form_input(array('name'=>'nome'), set_value('nome'), 'autofocus');
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo form_label('Categoria Pai');
    echo '<div class="row">';
    echo '<div class="small-5 columns">';
    echo form_dropdown('Categoria Pai', $query->nome, 'Selecione uma opção');
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';

public function cadastrar(){
  $data['query'] = $this->categorias->get_bynome($nome)->row();    
  $this->load->view("categorias", $data);

It seems that the variable is not declared something like this, I did not find the error.

  • Which of the 2 is the paineladmin/categories.php file?

  • The view, the bottom

  • I don’t know how the CI renders the view... $query = $this->categorias->get_bynome($nome)->row() the view is receiving the right $name variable? From a var_dump( $nome ) at the beginning of the view.

  • Yes, the view is receiving the $name variable of the get_byname function of the model. No use with var_dump($name) hehe

  • Could put the code that calls the view?

  • 1

    public Function register(){ //esta_logated(); $data['query'] = $this->categories->get_byname($name)->Row(); $this->load->view("categories", $data);

  • If $nome comes from a POST/GET, you should recover like this: $nome = $this->input->post('nome'); that in the cadastrar().

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2 answers


From what I could see, this error is because you are not passing the variable to the view, this should be done from your controller, and I don’t know if I’m right, but this part is from your correct controller:

public function cadastrar(){
  $data['query'] = $this->categorias->get_bynome($nome)->row();    
  $this->load->view("categorias", $data);

if yes, you should have done so

public function cadastrar(){
  $data['query'] = $this->categorias->get_bynome($nome)->row();    
  $data['nome'] = $nome; //passar a variavel nome para a view
  $this->load->view("categorias", $data);

by the time you asked the question you should have already solved, but only confirms if it was that.


NOTICE type errors in PHP can be ignored by calling the following function at the beginning of the file:

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

In Codeigniter, this function is called in the index.php file. You can check between lines 31 and 47 in the framework source code:

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