Script syntax error jQuery product variation


Viewed 80 times


I have a script in jQuery, which basically filters the product variations of Woocomerce Wordpress and selects the desired option by adding the attribute "Selected", the big problem is that, I have a button to select the variation, as you can see in the image below, only that regardless of where I click the variation, it is selected, I have tested several forms, but are appearing some bugs, what I needed is that, just by clicking on "SELECT" the item was selected, here is the link if you want to take a look at working:

thanks in advance for the help!

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

;(function ( $ ) {
'use strict';

 * @TODO Code a function the calculate available combination instead of use WC hooks
$.fn.tawcvs_variation_swatches_form = function () {
	return this.each( function() {
		var $form = $( this ),
			$vselect = $('.variation-select'),
			clicked = null,
			selected = [];

		$form.addClass( 'swatches-support' )
		$vselect.on( 'click', '.selecionar, .selecionado', function ( e ) {
			e.stopPropagation(); // para nao haver bubbling do evento para os pais
			var $el = $( this ).parents( '.swatch' ),
					$select = $el.closest( '.value' ).find( 'select' ),
					attribute_name = $ 'attribute_name' ) || $select.attr( 'name' ),
					value = $ 'value' );

				$select.trigger( 'focusin' );

				// Check if this combination is available
				if ( ! $select.find( 'option[value="' + value + '"]' ).length ) {
					$el.siblings( '.swatch' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
					$select.val( '' ).change();
					$form.trigger( 'tawcvs_no_matching_variations', [$el] );

				clicked = attribute_name;

				if ( selected.indexOf( attribute_name ) === -1 ) {

				if ( $el.hasClass( 'selected' ) && e.currentTarget.className == "selecionado" ) {
					$select.val( '' );
					$el.removeClass( 'selected' );

					delete selected[selected.indexOf(attribute_name)];
				} else {
					$el.addClass( 'selected' ).siblings( '.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
					$select.val( value );

			} )
			.on( 'click', '.reset_variations', function () {
				$( this ).closest( '.variations_form' ).find( '.swatch.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
				selected = [];
			} )
			.on( 'tawcvs_no_matching_variations', function() {
				window.alert( wc_add_to_cart_variation_params.i18n_no_matching_variations_text );
			} );
	} );

$( function () {
	$( '.variations_form' ).tawcvs_variation_swatches_form();
	$( document.body ).trigger( 'tawcvs_initialized' );
} );

})( jQuery );
<script src=""></script>

<td class="value">
<div class="variation-selector variation-select-image hidden">
<select id="pa_opcoes-de-acabamento" class="" name="attribute_pa_opcoes-de-acabamento" data-attribute_name="attribute_pa_opcoes-de-acabamento" data-show_option_none="yes">
        <option value="">Escolha uma opção</option>
        <option value="spe-2702-tba-pi" class="attached enabled">SPE-2702-TBA-PI</option>
        <option value="spe-2702-tba-po" class="attached enabled">SPE-2702-TBA-PO</option>
        <option value="spe-2702-tbi" class="attached enabled">SPE-2702-TBI</option>
        <option value="spe-2702-tbm" class="attached enabled">SPE-2702-TBM</option>
        <option value="spe-2702q-cz" class="attached enabled">SPE-2702Q-CZ</option>
        <option value="spe-2702q-pr" class="attached enabled">SPE-2702Q-PR</option>
        <option value="spe-2702r-cz" class="attached enabled">SPE-2702R-CZ</option>
        <option value="spe-2702r-pr" class="attached enabled">SPE-2702R-PR</option>
<div class="tawcvs-swatches" data-attribute_name="attribute_pa_opcoes-de-acabamento">
<span class="swatch swatch-image swatch-spe-2702-tba-pi" title="SPE-2702-TBA-PI" data-value="spe-2702-tba-pi">
<img class="hs-rsp-popup variation-img" src="">
<span class="middle">
<span class="variation-desc">
Dimensões: 190X190mm
Material: Alumínio Polido
Cor: Aluminio polido
<span class="variation-selected">SELECIONADO</span>
<p class="variation-select ">
<img class="var-slc-img" src="">
<a class="selecionar">Selecionar</a>
<a class="selecionado">Selecionado</a>
<a href="" class="hs-rsp-popup variation-ampliar">
<img class="var-slc-img" src="">Ampliar
<img class="hs-rsp-popup" src="">

  • I could not notice the problem. You want to click where you have "select" to select the product?

  • good day! , that’s right, only when you click on "SELECT", not clicking anywhere in the container, Att.

  • understand, with the example of Milk below worked, only now it does not remove the selected by clicking again.

2 answers


As I understand it, you’re putting onClick on .swatch, which is the image container and variation description.

You should change your code to add the event only in the link Select which is the <a class="selecionar">Selecionar</a>.

// mudar .swatch para .selecionar para o evento ser triggered no link em vez do container .swatch
$vselect.on( 'click', '.selecionar', function ( e ) {
    e.stopPropagation(); // para nao haver bubbling do evento para os pais
    var $el = $( this ).parents( '.swatch' ), // aqui trocava o $( this ) para que $el continue a ser o .swatch e o código abaixo continue a ser válido
  • It worked! , only if I click "Selected" again, it does not remove Selected, thank you very much for the help!

  • i tried to edit that part this way, but it didn’t work if ( ! $select.find( 'option[value="' + value + '"]' ).length ) { $vselect.siblings( '.Swatch' ).removeClass( 'Selected' ); $select.val( '' ).change(); $vselect.Trigger( 'tawcvs_no_matching_variations', [$el] ); Return; }

  • The code of this block if ( $el.hasClass( 'selected' ) ) { is that controls what to do if you click on a variation that is selected or not. You need to do ai debug and figure out if you are removing the css class correctly and cleaning the variables as you want.

  • could you explain me better? I don’t have much experience in jQuery


In addition to doing what you proposed the @Leite response, you need to differentiate which link was clicking between .selecionar and .selecionado to switch between one and the other.

Add the class to the event .selecionado:

$vselect.on( 'click', '.selecionar, .selecionado', function ( e ) {...

In the if where it is checked if it has the class .selected, insert one more condition:

if ( $el.hasClass( 'selected' ) && e.currentTarget.className == "selecionado" ) {

This way the script will know which link was clicked. In the previous way the script is removing the class .selected of all blocks, even having added before.

  • Perfect dvd, you guys are awesome! thanks so much for the help!

  • dvd, if you can help me in one more function please, I tried to add parallel functions to remove the class Selected after adding the product to the cart, but nothing works, any way around that?

  • updated the code as I am currently using

  • What are these parallel functions? I couldn’t see in the code.

  • I was trying to do a "gambiarra", using the window load to remove the class Selected, it removes the class, but if I reload the page it comes back, and then it goes away again, I would really like it to desilect, I was also trying to reset Quantity, but; });

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