Hello, I am developing a sales screen in C# Windows Forms. I’m just at the beginning of the project, but I came across a situation where I’m not sure what to do. I am using a Postgresql database, I created a table called SALE and another ITENSVENDA. The logic I am using is the following: When entering the first product creates a row in the SALE table generating a code that is of the SERIAL type. This code is then stored and used to enter the items of this sale in the ITENSVENDA table. That’s where the problem comes, when there is more than one machine inserting at the same time can give problem inserting items with COD from wrong sale, if happen to record multiple sales at the same time, precisely because I need to retrieve the code of my sale that I’m making on my machine. What is the best way for me to solve this problem? what to do not end up releasing items in on sales other than mine?