Convert to decimal without adding zeros - SQL Server


Viewed 858 times


I am converting a number from varchar to decimal. This number already has the boxes after the comma, and when I convert it adds 2 more zeros.

Example: 12.345,67 ---> 1234567,00

The code I’m using is this: CAST(REPLACE( REPLACE(ZMI058.Amount, ',', '), '.', ') AS decimal(18,2)) AS Amount

How do I play the numbers I already have to the decimal places?

1 answer


The number must have this '12345.67' format, so first remove the dot, then replace the comma by a dot, like this:

select CAST(REPLACE( REPLACE(ZMI058.Montante, '.', ''), ',', '.') AS decimal(18,2)) AS Montante

See here an example working:! 18/5e0e9/1

  • It worked perfectly! Thank you!

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