Postgresql autoincrement skips 1 value when Insert is done by a function


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I have the following function in Postgresql:

    i INTEGER := 1;
    id INTEGER;
    dataCad TEXT;
    dataFec TEXT;
    qtd INTEGER := (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ve.vendas);
    WHILE i <= qtd LOOP
        SELECT id, datacadastro, datafechamento INTO id, dataCad, DataFec FROM ve.vendas WHERE id = i;

        IF dataFec IS NULL THEN
            INSERT INTO ve.historico(id, data)
            VALUES(id, GENERATE_SERIES(dataCad::DATE, CURRENT_DATE::DATE, '1 day'::interval));
            INSERT INTO ve.historico(id, data)
            VALUES(id, GENERATE_SERIES(dataCad::DATE, dataFec::DATE, '1 day'::interval));
        END IF;
        i = i + 1;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The table ve.historico is constituted:

CREATE TABLE ve.vendas
    id INTEGER,
    data DATE

The problem happens when I run the function ve.geraHistorico(), the auto increment should create a single and sequential id for each line inserted, but when you change the id of the sale in the function, the auto increment skips 1 value, being as follows:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The first column (gray) is the counter of the pgAdmin console, the second column is the AUTOINCREMENT, the third is the sale id and the fourth column is the dates I am generating. If you notice, you will see that in line 31 the AUTOINCREMENT should be the 31 also, more jumped by 32, well where exchange of sale.

Why does this happen? It would be some problem in the function?

  • It wasn’t another attempt by Insert that went wrong, was it? when a rollback occurs in the transaction, Quence does not return the number that was generated in the transaction

  • I tested several times, dropped the table and ran the function, just to reset the autoincrement.

1 answer


This is completely normal.

When you create a field in a table of type SERIAL or BIGSERIAL, one SEQUENCE is created implicitly to make the auto-increment control of this field.

Fields of the type SERIAL and BIGSERIAL have a value DEFAULT which consists of the function call return nextval().

In a real scenario, several isolated transactions may be calling nextval() for the same SEQUENCE, simultaneously, one will be effective and another will be discarded.

EVEN the discarded transactions (which suffered ROLLBACK), do not decrease the SEQUENCE, causing that sequential number to be lost forever.

The gaps that you are observing, are actually, transactions that called nextval(), however, they suffered ROLLBACK at some point.

To SEQUENCE is never decremented, not even if there was a ROLLBACK in the transaction that incremented it (and doing this decrease manually is not a good idea!).

According to the documentation of PostgreSQL, in the section on Manipulação de Sequências, there is an explanation about this behavior in the function reference nextval(), look at you:


Advance the Sequence Object to its next value and Return that value. This is done atomically: Even if Multiple Sessions execute nextval concurrently, each will Safely receive a distinct Quence value.



To avoid blocking Concurrent transactions that obtain Numbers from the same Quence, the nextval Operation is Never Rolled back; that is, Once a value has been fetched it is considered used and will not be returned Again. This is true Even if the surrounding transaction later aborts, or if the Calling query ends up not using the value. For example an INSERT with an ON CONFLICT clause will Compute the to-be-inserted tuple, including Doing any required nextval calls, before Detecting any Conflict that would cause it to follow the ON CONFLICT Rule Instead. Such cases will Leave unused "holes" in the Sequence of Assigned values. Thus, Postgresql Sequence Objects cannot be used to obtain "gapless" sequences.

Have you thought about reevaluating the real need to have a sequence field without gaps ?

Consider the following:

CREATE TABLE tb_historico
  valor INTEGER,

BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); ROLLBACK;
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); ROLLBACK;
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); COMMIT;
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); ROLLBACK;
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); COMMIT;
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); ROLLBACK;
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); COMMIT;
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); ROLLBACK;
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); COMMIT;
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); ROLLBACK;
BEGIN; INSERT INTO tb_historico ( valor ) VALUES ( 100 ); COMMIT;

You can use the function row_number() to list your records, see only:

    row_number() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS id_gapless,


| id_gapless | id | valor |                    datahora |
|          1 |  3 |   100 | 2018-07-04T19:07:11.651281Z |
|          2 |  5 |   100 | 2018-07-04T19:07:11.654413Z |
|          3 |  7 |   100 | 2018-07-04T19:07:11.657451Z |
|          4 |  9 |   100 | 2018-07-04T19:07:11.660584Z |
|          5 | 11 |   100 |  2018-07-04T19:07:11.66475Z |

See working on

  • Quite interesting. I would have some suggestion of how I could get around this situation of gaps?

  • @J.Thatcher: Can I ask you why you have this field with "gapless" sequences?! Is this really necessary ? What is the intention ?

  • I’m needing to generate life history of a sale to be used on a B.I.

  • @J.Thatcher: See edition!

  • Very good! + 1!.

  • I didn’t do it exactly like that, but it cleared my mind. I entered the values I wanted in a temporaria and gave a select index in the temporaria with row_number, then use row_number as ID. Thanks for the nextval explanation().

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