Lock to not show another div while one is already visible to the user


Viewed 94 times


What about you guys, huh? Guys, I’m having a question, I have a posting system similar to facebook, and as you know, there is in the post for the user to open the settings to delete and etc, that by clicking it displays the div with the options, right, so far so good, I made the system to be able to apply the class 'block' in this div by clicking on the icon of the options... The problem is, when the user clicks on the icon, it displays, but it only disappears if they press the icon again, and I wanted it to disappear by clicking anywhere else, and like, I pressed displayed one, if I leave it open and press the setting for another post, is visible both, and I wanted it to disappear when I press anywhere else and when I press one if there is already any visible, it hides the visible and shows what the user requested, I tried to do this with Blur(), but for some reason it did not work, follows below the code. js, remembering that I am using Jquery:::

//Código Js, função para exibir a div .configsOp e também esconder...
$('.configsPost .icon').on('click', function(){

//Código que tentei usar para remover a Class Block da div.configsOp

Whoever knows help me please.

3 answers


You will need to check if there is any event click out of your div after it is clicked, for this you need to add an event system in your code and limit the event to only run on elements other than your button (in the example below I limited to the button and links)

function ocultar(event) {
  if (!$(event.target).parents('.configsPost.icon').length) {
document.addEventListener("click", ocultar);
$('.configsPost.icon').on('click', function mostrar() {


.configsOp {
  background-color: #ccc;
  width: 200px;
  height: 0;
  overflow: hidden;

a {
  display: block;

.block {
  height: auto;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class='configsPost icon'>
  <button>Clique para opções</button>
  <div class='configsOp'>
    <a href='#'>opcão 1</a>
    <a href='#'>opção 2</a>

  • That didn’t work for me no.

  • And I don’t want to call function in HTML code no, but call div directly in code.

  • run the snippet I sent in the stack overflow itself (run button) and check if it has the desired behavior, with respect to not calling in html code I can modify my example without problems

  • modified the example for the event to be executed via javascript ( and not directly inserted into the html code)


When you click on the icon, just hide all the others that are being displayed before showing, if they don’t have the class block:

//Código Js, função para exibir a div .configsOp e também esconder...
$('.configsPost .icon').on('click', function() {
  // se o div deste ícone não estiver com classe block, remove essa classe de outros divs que podem estar ativos
  if(!$(this).parent().find('.configsOp').hasClass('block')) {
  • Thank you very much man, I tried the same way, only I didn’t know how to use hasClass() right, so I got in the way, because I had put it like this: if(!$(this).Parent().find('.configsOp').hasClass(') == 'block') { $('.configsOp'). fadeToggle(200). removeClass('block'); } So I tried it the way it looked underneath if(!$(this).Parent().find('.configsOp').hasClass('block') == 'block') { $('.configsOp'). fadeToggle(200). removeClass('block'); } Why I didn’t know how to do these class checks with Jquery, only with pure Javascript

  • And its shape was very good, I just removed the fadeToogle(), because I was giving a little problem in the visibility effect, like, it showed and dps gave like a wink you know to show with the effect, so I decided to take it and it was much better, thanks really.

  • Beauty. If you have other questions about Jquery functions, their documentation is great, https://api.jquery.com/ - has a description of each function and some examples


Personally, thanks for the strength again, you really helped me out there. And the final code was like this by @Dudaskank:

//Código Js, função para exibir a div .configsOp e também esconder...
$('.configsPost .icon').on('click', function() {
  // se o div deste ícone não estiver com classe block, remove essa classe de outros divs que podem estar ativos
  if(!$(this).parent().find('.configsOp').hasClass('block')) {

I left with his comments here on the site for you, I removed only the fadeToggle(), because they were giving a little problem at the time of the display, because it showed instantly the div and then added the effect, so I blinked at the time it showed. But it’s there, no mistake for anyone with the same or similar case

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