Modal Bootstrap window does not display styles in components - MVC


Viewed 172 times


I have a problem that I haven’t been able to solve in months! I’m using a package of bootstrap and JS styles, in which they refer to my _Layout. On all pages that are rendered and inherited from the Main page, everything works smoothly. As soon as I opened the windows in modal, the problems began to arise... Note that the Dropdown in the Index page is stylized correctly, but the same dropdown in the Create view does not work. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

For my modals to work, my controller returns a "Create" View, but when it is loaded in the modal (Situated in Index), I need to play null for the Layout property, otherwise the window won’t open. (This could be a problem). I tried to open the Modals using Partialviews, but it also doesn’t work...

I’ll leave the link to anyone who wants to take a look at the project: id=40838E65B9F8787E%21120&Cid=40838E65B9F8787E

3 answers


Person, after much exhausting research and patience I found the solution on this site: Problem solving

All I had to do was add the script below:

        dropdownParent: $('#modalGenerica')

Therefore, the response of fellow @Adriano Praia was the closest.

Thank you all for your help!


Your problem with CSS,

shall increase the z-index of the modal element

  • Thanks for the reply @ Nuno Maximiano, but how do I do it?

  • in the css file you load you should add something like .form-horizontal{&#xA;z-index:99999;&#xA;} , but this will affect all forms with this class or directly in the added div style="z-index:99999;"

  • I advise you to first add the style element directly into the modal for testing and then move on to the css, but you should create one or an id for the modal or class so that you don’t see all the elements with the '.form-horizontal' class'

  • Didn’t work :(


Dude, there was a similar problem but using the datepicker and Select2 component, I added it in partial to solve this problem.

$(document).ready(function () {

        format: 'dd/mm/yyyy',
        language: 'pt-BR',
        todayBtn: "linked",
        autoclose: true,
        todayHighlight: true,
  • Thanks @Adriano Praia... Unfortunately, it didn’t work....

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