Does not satisfy the condition with the value informed by the user


Viewed 33 times


I made this code, but it does not enter the option informed by the user (I think the option already tells what he has to do).

lista = []
while True:
    print("Adicionar nome - 1")
    print("Sair - 0")
    print("Listar - 2")
    op = input()

    if op == 0:
    elif op == 1:
        nome = input("Digite o nome")
    elif op == 2:
        j = 0
        for nomes in lista:
  • Set the input type for the input. This will solve your problem: op = int(input())

1 answer


The entrance input() makes the user type a string, for this reason, when you compare op == 0 you are comparing a string with an integer. To solve this you have 2 options:


op = input()
if op == '0':

2nd: Use int(input()) to receive a whole

op = int(input())
if op == 0:

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