How to use anchor in Angularjs?


Viewed 490 times


I am starting to work with Angularjs and I have the following situation I have a href that redirects to a div inside the page itself by the id of the div:

<a href="#teste"></a>
<div id="teste"></div> 

but Angularjs tries to read this test called by href as if it were a view, does anyone know how to get around it? Maybe something that will make href identify that he is an anchor and not a view, or else that you know is also welcome.

  • We’re not missing the # before? Like: href="#teste"

  • You can use a component router to manage your application routes. That documentation can help you with initial implementation

2 answers


This probably has nothing to do with Angular, only the # in the href.

See working:

html {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;

div {
  width: 90%;
  height: 120vh;
  background-color: red;

.blue {
  background-color: blue;
<script src=""></script>
<a href="#teste">Ir para DIV</a>
<div id="teste" class="blue">

  • So that’s my problem. When I put #testing on href. my project tries to read a view, and tries to redirect to a page whose address is my local address /test

  • I was able to solve, I created an isLogin in the $Scope of my login controller and instead of using href, I just call the controller method and updated this isLogin to true or false, and I can enable by *ngIf the login tab or the registration tab.


you can use a target="_self" on your href that will prevent the action by Angularjs

<a href="#teste" target="_self"></a>
<div id="teste"></div> 

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