Delay before showing a div


Viewed 136 times


Okay, I don’t understand what I’m missing.

My idea was when to walk the mouse over a div, show the div who was hiding.

.main_container:hover .hidden_container
  display: block;

<div class="main_container">
  <p>On hover here</p>
  <div class="hidden_container">
    <p>Shows this</p>

I am trying to create a "delay" to not show the div "Hidden-container" instantly.

What I’m not able to do is create the 1 sec delay. before I show the div. I’ve seen the transition-delay: 1seg; but I’m not getting what I want.

The perfect thing was to do this in HTML + CSS. But if JS solves the problem, I’ll accept it as a solution.

3 answers


The display is a property that does not allow animation, or the field is visible or not, therefore it is not possible to use the display with the delay.

Animatable CSS properties

Alternatively you can use the property opacity:

.main_container:hover .hidden_container
  opacity: 1;
  transition-delay: 1s;

  opacity: 0;
<div class="main_container">
  <p>Passe o mouse aqui.</p>
  <div class="hidden_container">
    <p>Exibido após 1 segundo.</p>


Caique’s answer is valid, you can also use Transition working with colors, so your Hover is more pleasant and does not appear to the user in an "aggressive way".

.main_container:hover .hidden_container
  color: black;
  transition: color 1s;

  color: white;
<div class="main_container">
  <p>Passe o mouse aqui.</p>
  <div class="hidden_container">
    <p>Exibido após 1 segundo.</p>


Using Javascript you can pick up both events (mouseover and mouseleave) and with a setTimeout in the mouseover build the same effect:

var els = document.querySelectorAll(".main_container > p"); // seleciono todos os <p> filhos
var atraso; // declaro a variável que servirá com temporizador
for(x=0; x<els.length; x++){
   els[x].onmouseover = function(){
      var el = this; // <p> que chamou o evento
      atraso = setTimeout(function(){ = 'block'; // mostra a div que vem após o <p>
      }, 1000);

   els[x].onmouseleave = function(){
      clearTimeout(atraso); // cancelo o temporizador = 'none'; // esconde a div que vem após o <p>
<div class="main_container">
  <p>On hover here</p>
  <div class="hidden_container">
    <p>Shows this1</p>

<div class="main_container">
  <p>On hover here</p>
  <div class="hidden_container">
    <p>Shows this2</p>

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