How to group dates according to month? Ruby + Mongoid


Viewed 178 times


I own a class that contains events and their start dates. I need to retrieve all records by grouping them together so that the first days are listed each time. Example:

2014-01-01, 2014-02-01, 2014-03-01, 2014-01-02, 2014-02-02, 2014-03-02, ...

I need these results to set up a calendar structure. Any help is welcome.

Follows the class.

class Headline
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Timestamps

  field :start_date, type: Date
  field :end_date, type: Date


2 answers


To group and sort ruby objects:

headlines.group_by { |h| }
  .map { |hs|
    hs.sort_by { |h| h.start_date }

If the idea is to delegate the responsibility of grouping and sorting to the database query, an approach like this to Mongodb can be useful:


You can define a scope and from it return the objects ordered by start date, as an example:


# Provide the sorting options.
Person.order_by([[:first_name, :asc], [:last_name, :desc]])


scope :start_date, :order => (:start_date, :asc)
  • Thank you, Jean. But my problem is that I have the following structure: This is the structure of a calendar, formed from the dates of the events. Each <tr>, represents a single date of each month. So, I have to display something like this: <tr>&#xA; <td>01-01</td>&#xA; <td>01-02</td>&#xA;</tr>&#xA;<tr>&#xA; <td>02-01</td>&#xA; <td>02-02</td>&#xA;</tr> So, the way I thought to solve this problem, is to group the results, always bringing the first dates, then the second dates, and so on from each month. Ideas?

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