What is the difference between Mkdir and Createnewfile?


Viewed 259 times


I’m studying about the class File in Java, and would like to know the difference between using the mkdir and the CreateNewFile, the mkdir creates the directory that is passed as parameter in folder format only?

  • 4

    mkdir creates a directory; CreateNewFile creates a file. That’s not the difference?

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1 answer


One read in the documentation would be enough for you to answer your question:

public boolean createNewFile() throws IOException

Atomically creates a new, Empty file named by this Abstract pathname if and only if a file with this name does not yet exist.

For example:

     File f = new File("test.txt");
     System.out.println(f.createNewFile()); //true, criando o arquivo
     File g = new File("dir_inexistente/test2.txt");
     System.out.println(f.createNewFile()); //false, pois o diretorio nao existe

public boolean mkdir()

Creates the directory named by this Abstract pathname.

There’s still the method mkdirs(), which creates a parent directory if it does not exist. For example:

File  f = new File("diretorio_pai_inexistente/diretorioX");
System.out.println(f.mkdir()); //false, o diretório pai não existe, logo, `diretorioX` não é criado.
System.out.println(f.mkdirs()); //true e cria tanto o diretório pai quanto `diretorioX`.

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