How to play an input values in a div?


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  • You need to add more information. When do you want the input content to be placed in the div? And what input and for which div? Have you tried any solution?

1 answer


I made a simple and easy little example so you can understand.

OBS1: The event keyup occurs every time the input receives information, either adding a character or removing it. It shows in the div as you write.

OBS2: there are many ways to do this, I went through the simplest.

   $('#prod').on('keyup', function() {
       var prod = $('#prod').val();    // pega o conteudo do input
       var div = $('#id_div');        // escolhe a div para por o texto
       div.text(var);                // coloca o valor do input na div
  • thanks I’ll take a look

  • it worked however I would like these typed values to remain in the pointed div. am sending from input #Prod to div #desc that would be the product description typed.

  • Sorry Hugo, how so remain in the indicated div? Every time you change the text in the input will reflect in the text in the div.

  • it’s like in a supermarket box you know you pass a product it gets on the side and the next goes on the bottom line and so on you know.

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