Reduce Firebird memory consumption when closing Dataset


Viewed 727 times


I have an app Delphi XE7 which rotates on a seat Firebird 2.5.
When I open a FDTable with a 10,000 records for example, Firebird server memory consumption increases by about 1 MB. So far so good, it’s part.
But when I close Table (FDTable.Close;) memory consumption does not decrease... continues with the 1 MB that increased when the table was opened.
The same goes for FDQuerys and also with other databases.

I realized that when I disconnected the FDConnection from the bank, then the consumption goes back to normal. But at the moment I can’t do it in my system, at least not in the short term.

There is some way that when a dataset is closed, proportionally reduce SGDB consumption on the server?

  • I never realized it... the more you’ve tried?

2 answers


I’ve been working with Firebird for a long time, the problem may even be open transactions.

Here we do not usually use the FDTable, we use our own component, but it’s the same.

I’ll give you an example with TDataSet, which is the basis of everything.

  vDataSet_Teste : TDataSet;

  while not vDataSet_Teste.Eof do
    Self.Caption := vDataSet_Teste.FieldByName('ALGUMA_COISA').AsString;


For this example, consider that ResultSQL return me a dataset of data.

vDataSet_Teste.Close; closes only the possibility to read the data, but does not remove them from memory, because in this scenario the ResultSQL opened a transaction, consulted the data and handed it to me for consideration. That way we still have an open transaction, because all DataSet in Delphi is passed as memory, in this case the dataset that was loaded by ResultSQL still exists and has a transaction with the Server.

The way we found 100% effective was to use a command set for the dataset. It is a TQuery or a TDataSet:


Remember that in this format, we do not use visual components.


Have a routine to reduce the memory you placed inside a timer or after your process:

    procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
        if (((GetTickCount - LastTick) / 1000) > 120) or
             (Self.WindowState = wsMinimized) then
            //Memo1.Lines.Add(FormatFloat('Memory used: ,.# K', CurrentMemoryUsage / 1024));
            //Memo1.Lines.Add('Reduz memória');
            //Memo1.Lines.Add(FormatFloat('Memory used: ,.# K', CurrentMemoryUsage / 1024));

The routine to free up memory:

    procedure TrimAppMemorySize;
        MainHandle : THandle;
            MainHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, GetCurrentProcessID) ;
            SetProcessWorkingSetSize(MainHandle, $FFFFFFFF, $FFFFFFFF) ;
            CloseHandle(MainHandle) ;

To check the memory:

    function CurrentMemoryUsage: Cardinal;
        pmc: TProcessMemoryCounters;
        pmc.cb := SizeOf(pmc) ;
        if GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess, @pmc, SizeOf(pmc)) then
            Result := pmc.WorkingSetSize
  • SetProcessWorkingSetSize(MainHandle, $FFFFFFFF, $FFFFFFFF) ; this procedure is fanciful. Feed a TClientDataSet with 10 Mb of data, it can be just this, then run this process, "will wipe memory", then go through the same TClientDataSet and see what happens to memory.

  • I use the process for years and I did test days with apps if they climbed the memory and solved, if you have not tested, or not done the complete process, do not vote without being sure.

  • 3

    There is a big mistake in the use of these commands and how these codes became popular in Brazil ... but this code is playing feathers that is not currently being used in memory for memory swap. In short, you are just throwing everything to disk and as soon as you need to access this memory windows will throw everything back into memory and increasing disk I/O and slowing down your application. There is no miracle for memory reduction, only good coding practices.

  • 1

    @To confuse was exactly what I explained to him in the comment above, and it is so fanciful that it leads the subject to believe that it is miraculous! I explained a simple test and apparently only know how to execute code, and as you said: apenas boas práticas de codificação. solves this kind of problem!

  • I believe that you have never created objects at runtime..... even destroying the memory consumption in a few hours can become giant.... only the code above that solved my problem..... if you do not believe or use... do not make light of who uses and works.... negative... by giving... makes no sense

  • Old man... with me this code worked only that I don’t use it with the TdataSet, simply FdTable.close already solves my problem. in the case of @Wellingtontellescunha should work for sunset and for others is not the best solution.

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