Group sum by month and year


Viewed 1,020 times


I have a simple table in a FIREBIRD database:

idCliente: integer    
dataPagamento: date
valor: numeric

How to make a select that adds up all amounts payable, grouping by month and year?

kind of:

select MES_ANO, sum(valor) from pagamento group by MES_ANO

1 answer


Solution for Firebird database.

  extract(MONTH from dataPagamento) AS MES,
  extract(YEAR from dataPagamento) AS ANO, 
from pagamento 
group by extract(MONTH from dataPagamento),extract(YEAR from dataPagamento)
  • unknown function TO_CHAR

  • 1

    It was bad, I confused with Oracle, I’m correcting, the function is date_format. I’ll edit the answer

  • sorry man, my mistake... is that I am working with two databases here. the correct database is Firebird

  • 1

    To extract Month and year in Firebird is this command Extract(MONTH from dataPagamento) AS MES, Extract(YEAR from dataPagamento) AS ANO,

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