Is it possible to customize an Alert?


Viewed 259 times


Between an if and Else I have a call from an Alert to return a reply to the user, between both the layout of Alert itself is not very according to the layout of the site, I would like to know how I can customize this.

if(ainput5 == false || ainput4 == false || ainput3 == false || ainput2 == false || ainput == false){
    alert('Para finalizar a compra é necessario informar a quantidade de salgados.');
  • 6

    Possible duplicate of Customizing the Alert

  • Visit the Sweet Alert. It has many uses and customisations for alerts.

  • I believe the best you can do is to use sweetalert. It is a ready component, however extremely nice.

  • I’ll take a look at this Sweet Alert

  • I tested here, I believe it is the best option even facilitated much more my work, thanks for the tip !

2 answers


Short answer: Not

The browser Alert is a simple DOM alert, as described in W3C "show an alert to the user and wait for it to close"; as a rule: there is no specification, although browsers may even let you customize as they do with the scrool bar: but this would be out of specification

How to customize (Simple alternative)

You need to make your own Alert and mimic browser behavior by javascript.



    function customAlert(message) {
        var div = document.createElement("div");
        var close = document.createElement("a");
        close.textContent = "[x]";
        close.classList.add("close"); // para o seu css
        close.addEventListener("click", () => {
        }, true);



.custom-alert {
    /* o css do seu alerta */

W3C dom Alert:

  • I accept suggestions to improve the answer, this is a very common question among web developers

  • 1

    A doubt and to close this Alert? would create something to give a display on it?

  • to close Alert, you can insert a "a" or "button" tag (for example) and add an event to it, click you remove the body element


I use sweetalert, very simple and easy to use. Take a look at the documentation here.

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