Program in C, how to print the word without the character?


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I can’t print the word without the character and I have no idea how to execute the ending. if anyone can help

follow what I’ve done:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
    char frase[20], nova[20];
    char caracter[1];
    int x,y;
    printf("Informe a frase: ") ;
    fgets(frase, sizeof(frase), stdin);
    printf("Informe o Caracter: ");


    printf("Frase remontada sem o caracter: %s", nova);

    return 0;
  • 1

    The statement gives the idea of substitution in the original string and not creation of a new one. It also mentions "remove (...) word" and not letter as it is in your code. You have to clarify these details ?

2 answers


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int primeiraOcorrencia = 0;
char* f;
char* p;
char* m;
char* copiaF;
char frase[160];
char palavra[80];

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    printf("Frase de entrada: ");
    fgets(frase, 160, stdin);
    printf("Palavra a ser retirada: ");
    scanf("%s", palavra);

    f = frase;
    p = palavra;

    primeiraOcorrencia = 1;

    while (*f)
        if (*p != *f && *p != '\0')
            primeiraOcorrencia = 1;
            p = palavra;
            if (primeiraOcorrencia)
                m = f;
                primeiraOcorrencia = 0;

            if (!*p++)
                copiaF = f;

                while (*copiaF)
                    *m++ = *copiaF++;
                *m = '\0';

                primeiraOcorrencia = 1;
                p = palavra;


    printf("Frase final sem a palavra: %s", frase);



I assumed that you want to remove only one character from the sentence, if it is really a word you will need to make some changes.

You were using the variable y without initializing it and caracter as an array instead of just one char.

Below is the code with the necessary changes:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
  char frase[20], nova[20];
  char caracter;
  int x, y = 0;
  printf("Informe a frase: ") ;
  fgets(frase, sizeof(frase), stdin);
  printf("Informe o caracter: ");
  caracter = getchar();

  for (x = 0; x <= strlen(frase); x++)
    if (frase[x] != caracter)
      nova[y++] = frase[x];

  printf("Frase remontada sem o caracter: %s", nova);

  return 0;

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