I would like to know how I can make a select with every Friday of the year in mysql for example


Viewed 126 times


I’m developing a calendar, and it will be used to schedule meetings. There are sectors, such as the T.I sector, which meets every Friday from 9:30 to 11:30, throughout the year. I need to somehow insert in my table "start date" (of the meeting), every Friday of the year.

I’m using the fullCalendar.io, mysql and PHP library. Please, someone give me a light.

1 answer


You can build an algorithm that gets you every Friday of the year and then enter the dates in the database. Follow an example in PHP that gets the dates:

# Ano a qual deseja obter todas as sexta-feiras.
$ano = 2018;

# Iniciamos a variável data com o primeiro dia do ano.
$data = new DateTime("$ano-01-01 08:30");

# Pecorremos todo o ano para encontrar todas as sexta-feiras.
while ($data->format('Y') == $ano)
    # Se sexta-feira
    if ($data->format('w') == 5) 
        # Data sexta-feira.
        echo $data->format('Y-m-d H:i');

        # Depois que descobrimos a primeira sexta-feira do ano. Basta adicionar 7 dias a data
        # para encontrar a próxima sexta feira.
        $data->add(new DateInterval('P7D'));
        # Caso a data inicial não seja uma sexta. Adiciona mais uma dia a data.
        $data->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
  • Thank you very much brother !!!!

  • One more question, if it’s not too much. How would I add the time of 08:30 for example?

  • @Diegomarcelo I changed the date to be with the fixed time 08:30. Just inform the time on the start date. And when getting the formatted date add the mask to display time and minutes.

  • It was worth once again!

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