How to view data from various tables in Datagridview?


Viewed 161 times


I’m trying to display several tables on DataGridView, from a database that is Entity Framework.

Example, person table, address.

I tried to use pessoa.BindingSource, then comes the address list, but I could not call the types of addresses {logradouro, cidade, bairro, estado}

The structure the Person table is using to define the items/table data is:

public virtual ICollection<enderecos> enderecos { get; set; }
  • 1

    You must create a new object containing the / column attributes that must be displayed in Gridview to expose a "Tabular"

1 answer


You have to create a new class, to be used as a "ViewModel", or use anonymous objects:


public class PessoaViewModel
    public string Nome {get;set;}
    public string Endereco {get;set;}


var result = Pessoas.Select(x => new PessoaViewModel(){ Nome = x.Nome, Endereco = x.enderecos.First().Logradouro + ", " + x.enderecos.First().Cidade }).ToList();

dgv.DataSource = result;

Using anonymous objects:

var result = Pessoas.Select(x => new { Nome = x.Nome, Endereco = x.enderecos.First().Logradouro + ", " + x.enderecos.First().Cidade }).ToList();

dgv.DataSource = result;

ps. Simple example without error handling. It is possible that the person has more than one address, so you have to decide which logic will be used to display.

  • I am using Anonymous Types, but I would like to display them with a formatting, for example the zip code: ___- __ or a telephone () -. In the database are saved as string with the numbers without the dots and dashes.

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