Replace part of the URL with text


Viewed 179 times


  • vc ta using wordpress?

  • try to rename the file containing the page from "a" to my test-article , and instead of making a call GET Voce has to do POST

  • I’m not using wordpress, I blogged with PHP.. this page a.php is called when clicking on an article, I could not see the name change to the article name.

1 answer


The system you want is called slug.


To work with Slug, it’s easy, but depends on some settings, such as URL amigável.

In this example, I am creating a function that gets the title of the article and converts to Slug

function slug($title){
   $slug = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-]+/', '-', $title);
   return $slug;
echo slug('O mundo vai acabar em 2016'); //O-mundo-vai-acabar-em-2016'

The function is very basic, other functions can be added: strtolower or improve the pattern to avoid special characters.

The function must be used in the link, which will call the page. I recommend that you add before Slug, a parameter for the ID, as "


The url will be theoretically clean for both the search platforms and the end user.


Unless you use the parameter ID before Slug, you should have some attention

  • Revert Slug to the original form and treat to receive the rest of the contents of the database.
  • Consider that the title is unique, not to give conflicts

Sources for the department

How can I simplify Urls for a website?


Browser other questions tagged

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