I’m bringing in 3,000 records from the MYSQL database using a connection to PDO and PHP. The time to be taken costs around 40 seconds to present all the data. Is Datatable unable to bring data by parts ?
Below follows all my code:
<table class="m-datatable" width="100%">
<th>Nome do produto</th>
$sql = $db->prepare("SELECT pro.cod_produto, pro.nome, pro.status, pro.cod_a, pro.p_uni FROM produto pro");
$sql->execute(); $a = 0 ;
while($row=$sql->fetch(PDO:: FETCH_ASSOC)){
$a++; ?>
<td><? echo $row['cod_produto']?></td>
<td><? echo $row['nome']?></td>
<td data-field="CompanyAgent" class="m-datatable__cell">
<div class="m-card-user m-card-user--sm">
<div class="m-card-user__details">
<span class="m-card-user__name">Cod Atuacao: <? echo $row['cod_a']?></span>
<p class="m-card-user__email"><? echo $row['p_uni']?></p>
switch ($row['status']) {
case "A":
echo "<span style='width: 100px;'><span class='m-badge m-badge--secondary m-badge--wide'>Ativo</span></span>";
case "I":
echo "<span style='width: 100px;'><span class='m-badge m-badge--danger m-badge--wide'>Inativo</span></span>";
$c_produto = $row['cod_produto'];
$sql_score = $db->prepare(" SELECT * FROM pagamento rec WHERE rec.cod_produto = '$c_produto' ORDER by rec.vencimento DESC LIMIT 1");
while($row_vencimento = $sql_score->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$data = $row_vencimento['vencimento'];
$_40 = strtotime("-40 days");
$_40 = date('Y-m-d', $_40);
$_60 = strtotime("-60 days");
$_60 = date('Y-m-d', $_60);
$_90 = strtotime("-90 days");
$_90 = date('Y-m-d', $_90);
$_180 = strtotime("-180 days");
$_180 = date('Y-m-d', $_180);
if ($data >= $_40) {
echo "<span style='width: 100px;'><span class='m-badge m-badge--success m-badge--wide'>#A</span></span>";
} elseif (($data < $_40) && ($data >= $_60)){
echo "<span style='width: 100px;'><span class='m-badge m-badge--info m-badge--wide'>#B</span></span>";
}elseif (($data < $_60) && ($data >= $_90)){
echo "<span style='width: 100px;'><span class='m-badge m-badge--warning m-badge--wide'>#C</span></span>";
}elseif (($data < $_90) && ($data >= $_180)){
echo "<span style='width: 100px;'><span class='m-badge m-badge--danger m-badge--wide'>#D</span></span>";
} elseif ($data < $_180) {
echo "<span style='width: 100px;'><span class='m-badge m-badge--primary m-badge--wide'>#E</span></span>";
} ?>
<?php }?>
Below follows the JS file
var DatatableHtmlTableDemo={
var e;e=$(".m-datatable").mDatatable({
What can be done to automate the code and not take 40 seconds to display the 3 thousand items?
Post your query, for sure the problem is there!
– Marconi
"SELECT pro.cod_product, pro.name, pro.status, pro.cod_a, pro.p_uni FROM pro product
– Robson Freitas