Azure phpMyAdmin error: Access denied!


Viewed 268 times


Sometimes, during my work developing my app on Azure, I come across this situation:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I use Chrome browser

My Mysql database: MySQL no Aplicativo so I only use for one application.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

  • Kind of off: but tell me, do you really think it’s a good idea to let an application like this run on your server? In addition to being a kind of heavy application it can still be a great opportunity for malicious users to try to hack something, not that they will succeed, but if you have no experience with configuration of this type is well able to leave some fault, has a lot of things to solve with applications directly on your computer, even phpmyadmin can stay on your computer and vc synchronize with your mysql-server

  • I understand your line of thinking. but the applications are simple with the aim of hosting content for study or dissemination of academic projects.

  • It has nothing to do with the purpose of the site, it has to do with security, invaders do not care about purpose, each one has its own reasons, even just "mess", the problem is in the use of a tool which can contain sploits or not and in their experience with the use of it. If you notice many hosting that already contain phpMyAdmin usually only release it to use if you access it from their dashboard, ie is not a "so public" address. The understanding of security is not something easy.

  • That is to use this application for academic purposes and accept the oscillation regarding availability ???

  • It’s not about the application or the ends. It has to do with being something that is in a public address available to different people, which can be shared, adding the possibility of sploits in phpmyadmin (depending on whether you do not update it may appear some unknown sploit yet), you may as well use a desktop database control application and synchronize with your server (preferably using security cryptographic on mysql-server)... As I said, this has nothing to do with your mistake, it’s an off-topic situation.

2 answers


In general, this error occurs when the Mysql process is not running, when this happens, I restart the application and access the site or send a ping, check if the process "mysqld" appears in Process explorer I try to access through the button "manager".

One of the causes also for this type of error, is to have one more application phpMyadmin installed, being a native and can be installed via KUDU in site Extensions, recommend remove if you have, or will have to configure it manually.

Source: Microsoft site


Mysql in App already has a manager, you don’t need a third party to manage your Mysql database in the App.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Comments from @Uilherme-nascimento make sense. Adding phpMyAdmin to the same hosting as your app is just creating another opportunity for malicious attack - it’s common for hacking bots to test the url /phpMyAdmin exists on any website, if they have, they will start to force entry, even if they cannot find the password, they will consume traffic and processing resources of your application, being able to take it out of the air, until you create an unplanned cost.

  • As I said. are simple applications, I agree with the security issue. However, is there any way to fix this Access Denied ???? This kind of situation occurs during the day without much forecast!!!

  • or I will need to purchase a paid Azure service to create a Mysql database for my Azure applications ????

  • I said that your App Service Mysql in App already has a native manager. See the image. You don’t need an additional phpmyadmin.

  • Open your Webapp in the Azure Portal, go via menu in Mysql in App and there you will have the link to Manage as in the image.

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