Calling a modal using function


Viewed 116 times


I have a table, which lists driver data, that when clicking a column of the table a modal is triggered.

But I want, when clicking, to be called a function, which returns the modal, and not every time I load the page, already load the modal. Just follow the code. That way, it works perfectly, but it’s getting too slow, that’s why I want to know if there’s like,data-target pass a function calling the modal


if($PERMOT != 0)
        echo "<td><a data-toggle='modal' data-target='#modal-$i'>".number_format($log[0], 3)."</a>             </td>";//Gasto
        echo "<td class=".$classTd."><a data-toggle='modal' data-arget='#modal-$i'>".number_format($log[5], 3)."</a></td>";//Diff
                            echo "<td><div>-</div><div>-</div><div>-</div></td>";

                    echo "</tr>";
                echo "</tbody>";
                echo "
                    <div class='modal fade' id='modal-$i'>
                        <div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'>
                            <div class='modal-content'>
                                 <div class='modal-header'>
                                    <h4 class='modal-title'>Documento ".$CODFIL."-".$SERDOC." - ".$NUMDOC." </h4>
                                  <div class='modal-body'>
                                  <div class='modal-footer'>
                                      <button type='button' class='btn btn-danger' data-dismiss='modal'>Fechar</button>

                //echo "<button class='info plus  ' id='".$i."' onclick='moreInf($i, $CODFIL, $SERDOC, $NUMDOC)'></button>";

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1 answer


You can try loading the modal directly with the page with a fake setted isOpen Property when the page loads. You then apply a button with an event/function to modify the isOpen property to open and close Modal.

That way the Modal will already be loaded at the beginning and will be faster to make the transition between Modal being shown and hidden.

  • If you can, supplement your answer with a snippet of code. You can make it easier to test.

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