Exit Button Message - Xamarin Forms


Viewed 375 times


I need a message on the Exit Button (I will use the Navigation.PopAsync()) next to what I did but that works (this one doesn’t work):

//Botão Sair
void BtnSair_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
   var result = DisplayAlert("Alerta", "Deseja realmente sair?", "Sim", "Não");
   if (result) {Navigation.PopAsync();}  

1 answer


As for some it may be useful I managed to solve as follows:

private async Task BtnSair_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
  var result = await DisplayAlert("Alerta", "Deseja realmente sair?", "Sim", "Não");

  if (result)
    await Navigation.PopAsync();

I noticed that Displayalert returns Task and the variable expected only bool, then in the call of the button I used private async Task and then await where you will have to wait for return.

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