Problem with batch "set" command


Viewed 524 times


Good afternoon. I was doing a very simple programming, in general, serves simply to put the numbers that the user put (10 numbers) in ascending order, but something strange happens already in this part

set /p NM9=
set /p NM10=

if %NM10% EQU %NM9% (
    goto IGUAL1
if %NM10% LEQ %NM9% (
    set /a VAR=%NM9%
    set /a NM9=%NM10%
    set /a NM10=%VAR%

After giving an echo at the beginning of the cycle, it says that the NM9 and NM10 values are "1". Can you find the problem? I suspect it is the "VAR" part, or maybe some problem in the assembly of the lines. Thank you.

  • Put the whole code ... the only problem that has this code is that if NM10 equals NM9, it will not find the IGUAL1 label, because you did not create it.

  • 1

    Cristian I put as an answer to my question the whole code.

2 answers


@echo off
set /a VAR=0
set /p NM1=
set /p NM2=
set /p NM3=
set /p NM4=
set /p NM5=
set /p NM6=
set /p NM7=
set /p NM8=
set /p NM9=
set /p NM10=

if %NM10% EQU %NM9% (
    goto IGUAL1
if %NM10% LEQ %NM9% (
    set /a VAR=%NM9%
    set /a NM9=%NM10%
    set /a NM10=%VAR%
    goto CICLO 

if %NM9% EQU %NM8% (
    goto IGUAL2
if %NM9% LEQ %NM8% (
    set /a VAR=%NM8%
    set /a NM8=%NM9%
    set /a NM9=%VAR%
    goto CICLO 

if %NM8% EQU %NM7% (
    goto IGUAL3
if %NM8% LEQ %NM7% (
    set /a VAR=%NM7%
    set /a NM7=%NM8%
    set /a NM8=%VAR%
    goto CICLO 

if %NM7% EQU %NM6% (
    goto IGUAL4
if %NM7% LEQ %NM6% (
    set /a VAR=%NM6%
    set /a NM6=%NM7%
    set /a NM7=%VAR%
    goto CICLO 

if %NM6% EQU %NM5% (
    goto IGUAL5
if %NM6% LEQ %NM5% (
    set /a VAR=%NM5%
    set /a NM5=%NM6%
    set /a NM6=%VAR%
    goto CICLO 

if %NM5% EQU %NM4% (
    goto IGUAL6
if %NM5% LEQ %NM4% (
    set /a VAR=%NM4%
    set /a NM4=%NM5%
    set /a NM5=%VAR%
    goto CICLO 

if %NM4% EQU %NM3% (
    goto IGUAL7
if %NM4% LEQ %NM3% (
    set /a VAR=%NM3%
    set /a NM3=%NM4%
    set /a NM4=%VAR%
    goto CICLO 

if %NM3% EQU %NM2% (
    goto IGUAL8
if %NM3% LEQ %NM2% (
    set /a VAR=%NM2%
    set /a NM2=%NM3%
    set /a NM3=%VAR%
    goto CICLO 

if %NM2% EQU %NM1% (
    goto IGUAL9
if %NM2% LEQ %NM1% (
    set /a VAR=%NM1%
    set /a NM1=%NM2%
    set /a NM2=%VAR%
    goto CICLO 

echo %NM1% %NM2% %NM3% %NM4% %NM5% %NM6% %NM7% %NM8% %NM9% %NM10%

The whole code.


The problem is that you are trying to do value assignment and sum within an argument of a command that uses parentheses, using percentages in the variables, and thus only calls variables outside the parentheses of conditions IF and command FOR

how to solve this?

use this command at the beginning of the code SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION

and change the percentages of the variables you are calling to points exclamation variable means a variable %VAR% will look like this: !VAR!

make the appropriate changes, test the code and comment here if given right, blz?

  • 1

    It worked perfectly now, thank you very much!

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