How to list only the name of existing folders in a given directory


Viewed 589 times


How can I list only the name of a folder that is inside a root folder?


Pasta raiz C:/Downloads

SubPastas: Teste/ Teste 2

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In my DLL I can list the folders but with its full path, I would just like to list the name of the subfolders:

In case only Teste and Teste 2

Follows code:

 private void carregarFolders()
            string caminho = @"C:/Downloads";
            ddlFolders.DataSource = Directory.GetDirectories(caminho);
            ddlFolders.DataValueField = "";
            ddlFolders.DataTextField = "";
            ddlFolders.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(string.Empty, string.Empty));

        catch (Exception ex)

            throw ex;

Resultado na tela

2 answers


The form that will give you better performance:

try {
    var dirs = new List<string();
    foreach (var dir in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(caminho)) dirs.Add(dir.Substring(dir.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1));
} catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) {
    //faça algo útil aqui ou retire esse catch
} catch (PathTooLongException ex) {
    //faça algo útil aqui ou retire esse catch
ddlFolders.DataSource = dirs;

I put in the Github for future reference.

Never catch an exception to do anything, especially to launch it again.


It is possible, using LINQ, to map each complete path to an instance of DirectoryInfo and, from this instance, get only the "final name" of the directory using the property Name.

var source = Directory.GetDirectories(caminho)
                      .Select(c => new DirectoryInfo(c).Name)

ddlFolders.DataSource = source;

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