As by caption in a point created in an image


Viewed 85 times


I have a code that draws dots on an image based on my select options. Each point is related to a select and therefore I would like to know how to put a legend with the name of each select in the point, or rather the acronyms to identify each point.

<li class="active"><a href="#"><label class="filter-label" >Pontos</label><select id = "pointsId" style="width: 80%; color:black">
                    <option selected>Selecione</option>
                    <option>Básio (Ba)</option>
                    <option>Sela (S)</option>
                    <option>Násio (N)</option>
                    <option>Espinha nasal anterior (ENA)</option>
                    <option>Espinha nasal posterior (ENP)</option>
                    <option>Ponto A (subespinhal)</option>
                    <option>Ponto B (pupramental)</option>
                    <option>Próstil (Pr)</option>
                    <option>Infradental (Id)</option>
                    <option>Pogônio (Pog)</option>
                    <option>Gnátio (Gn)</option>
                    <option>Mento (Me)</option>
                    <option>Ponto D (D)</option>
                    <option>Bolton (Bo)</option>
                    <option>Articular (Ar)</option>
                    <option>Pório (Po)</option>

The js:

function coordenadas(event) {
var selectedIndex = document.getElementById("pointsId").selectedIndex;
var currentPoint = 
if (currentPoint != "Selecione") {
x = event.pageX;
y = event.pageY;
saveX = x;
saveY = y;

var div = document.getElementById('image');
if (!global_points[currentPoint]) {
    global_points[currentPoint] = new Array();
global_points[currentPoint].X = x;
global_points[currentPoint].Y = y;

if (global_points[currentPoint].htmlPoint) {
    global_points[currentPoint].htmlPoint.outerHTML = ''; /*erase the 
    global_points[currentPoint].htmlPoint = null;
var pto = document.querySelector('#image .ponto');
var ponto = document.createElement("span");
global_points[currentPoint].htmlPoint = ponto;

ponto.setAttribute("class", "ponto"); = "relative";
var imgOfLf = $("#image").offset().left;
var imgOfTp = $("#image").offset().top; = "top: " + Math.floor(parseInt(y) - imgOfTp - 2.5) 
+ "px; left: " + Math.floor(parseInt(x) - imgOfLf - 2.5) + "px;";
div.appendChild(ponto); // crio o ponto
var data_json = toJSON(global_points);

var hiddenForm = document.getElementById("saved_points");
hiddenForm.setAttribute("value", data_json);

the CSS:

width: 6px;
height: 6px;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #FF0000;
position: absolute;

position: relative;
  • Just to clarify: you will select an option and when creating the point, you will get the legend of the selected option, this is it?

  • Yes, that’s exactly what I want

  • However, if you can put only the acronyms that are in the brackets, sect much better...

  • Okay...if I can help, I really appreciate it

1 answer


You can enter a span in div with the text of the selected option. Create a style in CSS that will be subtitle formatting (you adjust the color, font size, background color etc. as you want):

   position: absolute;
   background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .9);
   color: #000;
   display: inline-block;
   padding: 2px;
   font-size: 12px;

Also create a counter to create ids unique to each legend. Put out of function:

var legenda_id = 0;

Then add this code right after the stitch has been created:

//cria a legenda e posiciona
var sigla = $("#pointsId option:selected").text().match(/\(\w+\)/)[0];
var legs = $("span[id^='legenda']");
    if($(this).text() == sigla) $(this).remove();
$("#image").append('<span id="legenda'+legenda_id+'" class="legendas">'+sigla+'</span>');
var legenda_width = $("#legenda"+legenda_id).width()/2;
   "top": Math.floor(parseInt(y) - imgOfTp + 5)+"px",
   "left": Math.floor(parseInt(x) - imgOfLf - legenda_width - 2.5)+"px"
    if(e.nextSibling && e.nextSibling.className != "legendas") e.outerHTML = '';

Working example:

var legenda_id = 0;
function coordenadas(event){
   x = event.clientX;
   y = event.clientY;
   var div = document.getElementById('image');
   var ponto = document.createElement("span");
   ponto.className = "ponto";
   var imgOfLf = $("#image").offset().left;
   var imgOfTp = $("#image").offset().top; = "top: " + Math.floor(parseInt(y) - imgOfTp - 2.5) + "px; left: " + Math.floor(parseInt(x) - imgOfLf - 2.5) + "px;";
   div.appendChild(ponto); // crio o ponto
   //cria a legenda e posiciona
   var sigla = $("#pointsId option:selected").text().match(/\(\w+\)/)[0];
   var legs = $("span[id^='legenda']");
       if($(this).text() == sigla) $(this).remove();
   $("#image").append('<span id="legenda'+legenda_id+'" class="legendas">'+sigla+'</span>');
   var legenda_width = $("#legenda"+legenda_id).width()/2;
      "top": Math.floor(parseInt(y) - imgOfTp + 5)+"px",
      "left": Math.floor(parseInt(x) - imgOfLf - legenda_width - 2.5)+"px"

       if(e.nextSibling && e.nextSibling.className != "legendas") e.outerHTML = '';


function image() {
   var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (17 - 1) + 1);
   var img = new Image();
   img.src = "";
   document.getElementById('image').innerHTML = "<img style=\"cursor:crosshair\" href=\"#\" onmousedown= \"coordenadas(event)\" src=\""
       + img.src + "\" width=1100 />";
   width: 5px;
   height: 5px;
   border-radius: 50%;
   background-color: #FFFF00;
   position: absolute;

   position: relative;

   position: absolute;
   background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .9);
   color: #000;
   display: inline-block;
   padding: 2px;
   font-size: 12px;
<script src=""></script>
<select id = "pointsId" style="width: 80%; color:black">
   <option selected>Básio (Ba)</option>
   <option>Sela (S)</option>
   <option>Násio (N)</option>
   <option>Espinha nasal anterior (ENA)</option>
   <option>Espinha nasal posterior (ENP)</option>
   <option>Ponto A (subespinhal)</option>
   <option>Ponto B (pupramental)</option>
   <option>Próstil (Pr)</option>
   <option>Infradental (Id)</option>
   <option>Pogônio (Pog)</option>
   <option>Gnátio (Gn)</option>
   <option>Mento (Me)</option>
   <option>Ponto D (D)</option>
   <option>Bolton (Bo)</option>
   <option>Articular (Ar)</option>
   <option>Pório (Po)</option>

<div id="image"></div>

  • Show man, it was very good, however, there would be no erasing the previous legend when I change the position point?

  • 1

    Updated response.

  • Thank you again, however, I would like you to delete only from the same point, like, when I select Básio (Ba), and click on the image, if I select it again, you should delete the caption in the place where it was previously...

  • That way now, if I select another point to mark, it’s deleting the legend of the point I marked earlier

  • kkkkk, really the caption was right, but the points are fading

  • it’s true... now I think it will.

  • Thank you so much again. As always you saving me...kkkk

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