I believe that after you have a satisfying javascript background, you could focus on a framework to speed up the development of a PWA.
My opinion is to use Vuejs for the ease and low learning curve, is my framework of Choice, let’s say so haha.
Another tip, another framework that I use, is the Quasar Framework. For me it is the best and best documented tool. Very intuitive and easy to learn from the examples, great community in Discord.
After getting a feel for Vuejs and its plugins like: Vue-router, Vue-cli, vueX no doubt you can create a great PWA.
When it comes to offline storage, you could use a lib called localForage for this and after we get the connection with the internet, synchronize it with the bank of your preference, being real-time (Mongo, firebase) or not.
I’ll leave the links for you to take a look and get inside the Vue and the Quasar.
Vue-router Create routes for web pages.
Course I bought to deepen knowledge in vueJs and plugins
Note: It is in English, but you can send an email and negotiate a value well below what they ask, are very solicitous and helped me in this issue.
Vuex is state management, very good for when the application starts to grow and helps in scalability, better organizing the components and interactions between them.
Quasar Framework
If you really choose to use vueJs and quasar, here is the link from Discord for possible questions, speaking directly to the community and its developers.
You can recover the values of a PHP back-end and then save to a localStorage, I see no hindrance to that.
– Laerte
@Laerte can create an answer with a simple example of using PHP as PWA?
– Costamilam
@Guilhermecostamilam would basically have the part of view JS application that would consume a PHP service. Whenever you were connected to the Internet you would go to that service and make a copy for local storage so that when you were not connected to the Internet you could at least present the most recent information you have available.
– Tiago Leite
That ! The frameworks, angular, Vuejs and the reactjs library, already do this.
– Chrystian Cavalcante
The question already answers: CSS, JS and HTML. Nothing else. There is no point in talking about framework, as it is still done in CSS, JS and HTML (the framework itself will end up depending on these 3 technologies). What will change is the server side part, to update the application when it leaves offline. Then you can use whatever you want, as long as PWA uses the same protocol..
– Bacco